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June 27, 2024

Miss Maryland Beauty Pageant Contestants, Beaten by a Man (on the First Day of "Pride") Speak Out... Anonymously, Of Course

I kept forgetting: Welcome to Thursday.

Thursday, as you could probably guess if you didn't already know, is "Thor's Day."

The Romans analogized Thor to Jove/Jupiter, in that they are both gods of the sky (well, Thor is god of thunder, but that counts as a sky god) and both are very important gods in their pantheons. Jove is obviously the most important Roman god. I think there's some debate if Thor is the most powerful or important god, or just the most popular.

Certainly the Romans considered him top dog among the Germanic gods.

Old English Thu(n)resdæg 'day of thunder', named after Thunor or Thor, the Germanic god of thunder; translation of late Latin Jovis dies 'day of Jupiter', Thor being equated with the Roman god Jupiter. Compare with Dutch donderdag and German Donnerstag .

I should have mentioned this for the other days of the week, but the Latin names for days persist in the Romance language day-names. Jovis dies becomes jeudi in French, and Giovedí (pronounced Jove-e-di) in Italian.

Marti dies (Tuesday/Tyr's Day, or "Mars' Day" in Latin) becomes Martedi in Italian, Mardi in French (cf. Mardi Gras, literally "Fat Tuesday," the day of binging before the abstentions and fasting of Lent). Mercurii (Wednesday/Wotan's Day, Mercury's Day in Latin) becomes mercredi in French and Mercoledí in Italian.

It's similar in Spanish: martes, miércoles, jueves.

On to some news that isn't 2,000 years old.

The women robbed of the chance to win their state pageant are speaking out, but anonymously, because they understand that if they attach their names to a complaint about men being allowed in women's contests, they will be destroyed by the toxic trans activists and their Eager Executioners in the non-mainstream media.

Mary Margaret Olohan:

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL: Miss Maryland USA professes to celebrate both the beauty and confidence of young women, promising a "fair environment in which young women have the opportunity to develop skills that will help them win in life by being their personal best in everything they do."

But on June 1, when the beauty pageant crowned a man the winner of Miss Maryland USA, a number of the contestants felt that they had not been granted that fair and supportive environment they were promised.

The male winner goes by the name Bailey Anne Kennedy and identifies as a transgender woman. The day that he was crowned Miss Maryland USA was also the first day of Pride Month--a fact that was not lost on the contestants.

"I was shocked," one contestant told The Daily Signal as she described how she found out that she was competing against a man. This contestant, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her privacy, will be identified as Contestant A. "I had mixed feelings. I started to think that the winner might be predetermined."

"A transgender woman gets crowned during first day of transgender Pride Month?" she asked. "It did not seem like a coincidence. Especially when owner of the pageant is a transgender woman herself. I was feeling like neither myself nor my fellow contestants had a fair opportunity from the beginning."

Kennedy will now go on to compete for the title of Miss USA in Los Angeles in August. The 31-year-old beauty pageant contestant, who would reportedly be the oldest Miss USA winner in pageant history if he won, is married to Marine Corps officer Casey Guthrie.

Kennedy describes himself as a military wife. Immediately after winning the Miss Maryland contest, Kennedy marched in the Capitol Pride Parade in Washington, D.C.
Screenshot, Miss Maryland USA, Instagram.


This year, Miss Maryland USA removed multiple requirements for the contest and now allows women who are over the age of 28 and women who are married to compete. And it is not lost on Kennedy that his win is breaking with former precedent for the contest.

Olohan notes that the rules of the contest require proof that someone is a woman for entry, a requirement that was seemingly relaxed for their Male Ringer.

She also notes some of the contestants might be uncomfortable to be sharing changing rooms and bathrooms with a man. Which they weren't alerted to.

Olohan says that this man "convincingly" poses as a woman. Ehhhhh.... agree to disagree.


A third contestant, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her privacy and will be identified as Contestant B, said that she felt betrayed by the way the contest was handled.

"I felt lied to," she shared. "I would've liked to know ahead of time, as I was subject to change, utilize the bathroom, and be in the same space as a biological man ... it surely seemed like the organization and Bailey was trying to hide this fact until it was convenient to them."


Contestant B also pointed out that Kennedy is a self-described "stay-at-home wife with no kids." Given that the Miss Maryland USA contest awards women not only for beauty but for hard work and professional success, Contestant B found it odd that Kennedy would win without a job or a family.

Only one of the women was brave enough to risk her own and her family's complete destruction by the vengeful, scalp-hunting trans-promoting media. You can read her comments at the article.

Below, the man posing as a woman and stealing more W's from actual Women.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:13 PM

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