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June 27, 2024

Walgreens Slashes Full-Year Income Outlook, Plans to Close Hundreds -- or Thousands -- of Stores Due to "Struggles with Theft"

Thanks, BLM!

Thanks Biden! Thanks Blue City Mayors and Blue State Governors!

You're turning your lands into dust! Hope that works out for you!

Pharmacy chain Walgreens announced Thursday that it would close a significant number of its U.S. stores, after cutting its full-year profit outlook.

While the company did not disclose how many stores it plans to close, it said it will close many underperforming stores across the country to optimize operations. The closures will also focus on stores too close to other Walgreens stores or those struggling with theft.

Here's why I say "thousands of stores:"

Walgreens currently has more than 8,700 stores, with the closures focusing on one-quarter of its U.S. locations.

If they actually close one quarter of their stores, that's... well you can work out the calculations yourselves, I'm not your Math Bitch.

Walgreens is the latest pharmacy chain to close locations over economic conditions. Walgreens competitors Rite Aid and CVS Pharmacy have closed dozens of locations since the start of the year.

The closures follow Walgreens' decision to cut its full-year profit outlook this week, dropping its $3.20 profit per share estimate from March down to $2.80 per share.

Thanks, George Soros!

Whoops, I accidentally went "antisemetic" at the end. See, it's antisemitic to point out George Soros funds this madness directly, getting pro-crime DAs elected. You can say other people are responsible, but never George Soros, you toxic antisemites.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:03 PM

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