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June 27, 2024

Governor of Massachusetts -- a Loud and Proud "Sanctuary State" -- Travels to Border to Tell Illegals Not to Come to Massachusetts

Weird you were virtue-signalling so hard about your love of an endless stream of unvetted illegal aliens when they were filling up the (spit) red states.

Now that they're coming to your state -- Don't come here! All of our illegal alien shelters are full!"

What do you think, the shelters of Texas and Arizona are at 10% capacity or something?

The governor of Massachusetts deployed state officials to border communities to warn illegal immigrants not to go to her state because the migrant shelters are already full, according to a report from Politico.

Democratic Gov. Maura Healey is sending five state officials to several Texas communities from Sunday through Wednesday to inform non-governmental immigration organizations and other border officials that her state's emergency system is too overwhelmed and cannot accept any more migrant families, according to Politico. The actions come despite state and local policies that largely qualify Massachusetts as a "sanctuary" jurisdiction.

"This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the U.S. and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts," L. Scott Rice, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant general the governor chose to lead the shelter system, stated to Politico.

"It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go," Rice continued.

You mean, they should plan to settle in red states.

That is what you mean, right?

In addition to Rice, Healey tapped several other top state officials for the trip, including the state's emergency assistance incident command deputy director, strategy manager at the division of housing stabilization, pre-shelter policy lead for incident command and the executive director of the Massachusetts office of refugees and immigrants, according to Politico. The group is due to make stops in McAllen, Brownsville, Hidalgo and San Antonio, which are all major hotspots for migrant families that eventually make their way to Massachusetts.

I bet you the shelters at McAllen, Brownsville, Hildago and San Antonio are all filled up too.

But they should stay there, right?


Healey will soon start enforcing a nine-month time limit for shelter stays, per a new law passed by the state legislature, in order to cut down on emergency shelter costs that are on track to reach $1 billion.

Not to be a broken record, but what do you think illegals are costing the border states themselves?

When a Massachusetts judge was facing charges in 2019 for allegedly helping a migrant in her courtroom escape apprehension by an ICE agent, Healey -- then the state's attorney general -- described the indictment as "a radical and politically-motivated attack on our state and the independence of our court." Also, as an attorney general, Healey issued a formal statement condemning then-President Donald Trump's move in 2017 to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities.

Healey's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Speaking of aiding a criminal illegal alien escape ICE and deportation: Massachusetts just did it again.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:43 PM

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