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June 27, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee:


Cord-cutters: I got this from a google search.

Cord-cutters can watch the Biden-Trump presidential debate online with any live TV streaming service that carries CNN and other networks broadcasting the event, including DirecTV Stream, Fubo, Hulu + Live TV, Max and Sling.

Well, I do have Max, for some reason. Not sure how many times I can rewatch the Lord of the Rings on the channel to justify the expense, especially because I also bought the Blu-Rays.

I just confirmed, Max is running it. I hate giving CNN the ratings, even if it's on Max, but just this once. Then I'll finally cancel Max.

And yes, we'll have posts up during the debate. Probably three or more. I expect you'll have a lot to say.

There was a deadly shooting at a Chik-Fil-A in Texas. Guess who the perp was? That's right, an illegal alien waved into the country by Blue Collar Joe.

Texas Chick-fil-A double homicide suspect in custody, police say

The man wanted for murdering two people inside a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Irving Wednesday afternoon is now behind bars, FOX 4 News Dallas-Ft. Worth reports.

Authorities say the suspect in a deadly Texas shooting that killed two people inside a fast-food restaurant is in custody, and that he is in the United States illegally.

Oved Bernardo Mendoza Argueta, a 37-year-old citizen of El Salvador, is charged with capital murder of multiple persons after a shooting Wednesday at a Chick-fil-A in the 5300 block of North MacArthur Boulevard in Irving, police announced.

"We can confirm that the suspect was taken into custody early this morning," a spokesperson for Irving Police Department told Fox News Digital on Thursday morning, adding that Mendoza Argueta has an "ICE hold," with the warrant agency being Immigration and Naturalization Service Dallas/Fort Worth.

An ICE spokesperson confirmed to Fox News Digital that the agency's Enforcement and Removal Operations in Dallas "lodged an immigration detainer with the Irving Police Department on Mendoza." Such detainers are for noncitizens accused of a crime and who have been apprehended by police.


An official said they believed the shooting was "a targeted incident and that this was not a random act of violence."

So if you want to address the two factors in this crime, you can either ban guns for American citizens, or ban the practice of permitting unvetted illegal alien criminals entry into the country.

Which do you imagine the Democrats will propose? That's what you call a "rhetorical" question.

DEI Justice Ketanji Jackson-Brown wrote a partial dissent in a case about Idaho's abortion laws -- of course the court blessed "emergency medical" abortions, and guess what, soon all women seeking abortions will claim they have a "medical emergency," of course -- but what the DEI Dummy wanted to go further.

What she did not want to do is use the word "woman" to describe the pyrsyns of various genders who might be seeking an abortion.

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson refused to use the word "woman" in her partial dissent Thursday in cases considering Idaho's abortion ban.

Rather than answering the cases' central dispute about whether the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) requires doctors to perform emergency abortions in conflict with Idaho's pro-life law, the Supreme Court dismissed the cases as "improvidently granted," reinstating an injunction on Idaho's abortion ban issued by a lower court and sending the issue back to the Ninth Circuit. The language in Jackson's solo opinion, in which she concurred in the decision to reinstate the injunction and dissented from the decision to dismiss the case, is conspicuously free of gendered terms.

"So, to be clear: Today's decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho," Jackson wrote. "It is delay. While this Court dawdles and the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position, as their doctors are kept in the dark about what the law requires."

Jackson continued to write that "for as long as we refuse to declare what the law requires, pregnant patients in Idaho, Texas, and elsewhere will be paying the price."

Jackson wants the court to strike down the law. Instead, the Court chickened out of deciding the case at all. They decided just to not decide, which leaves in effect the injunction barring enforcement of the law in cases of "medical emergency" abortions which, as I've said, will now be 100% of the abortions in Idaho.

This is just about the preliminary injunction, not the law itself. An injunction is a temporary measure begged for in the period between the filing of a lawsuit and final disposition of the case.

So, in theory, the Court could strike the law down later.

"Dismissed as improvidently granted" is a way cowardly justices dispense with cases they don't have the guts to take. What they say is that they were previously wrong to certify the case for Supreme Court review, and just file it as an "improper" previous grant of certiorari.

Yes, Amy Coney Barrett was among the liberals DIGging the case (Dismissed as Improvidenty Granted, DIG).

The contours of the issue have changed in the months since the court decided to take up the case, Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in a concurrence joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

"I am now convinced that these cases are no longer appropriate for early resolution," Barrett wrote, pointing to revisions Idaho made to its abortion ban and the Biden administration making clear that its arguments were aimed at rare cases.

Oh look, the Troika strikes again.

So the court is now, as a commenter said earlier, 3-3-3, with Barrett and Kavanugh joining Roberts as the "centrists" who will almost always side with the left.

We did get one win today:

Simon Ateba @simonateba

BREAKING - RULING AGAINST BIDEN'S EPA: The Supreme Court has just now blocked the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Good Neighbor Plan, which aimed to impose uniform emissions-reduction measures on 23 states to improve downwind air quality.

NOTE: The Court found that the EPA likely acted arbitrarily by failing to consider the impact of reduced state participation on the cost-effectiveness of emissions control measures.

NOTE: The decision immediately halts enforcement of the plan pending further review, highlighting concerns about the EPA's methodology and its response to public comments.

Nearly half of all electric vehicle owners say they'd rather go back to gas engines.

A significant share of Americans who own an electric vehicle have buyer's remorse, according to new data.

McKinsey & Co.'s Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found that 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back to owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.

The high percentage of Americans who want to make a switch even surprised the consulting firm.

"I didn't expect that," the head of McKinsey's Center for Future Mobility, Philipp Kampshoff, told Automotive News. "I thought, 'Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.'"

McKinsey and Co. is the leftwing consulting group that hired Pete Bootyjudge, so you know they're staffed with only the Best and the Brightest progressive WEF-types.


The biggest reason EV owners cited for wanting to return to owning a gas-powered vehicle was the lack of available charging infrastructure (35%); the second-highest reason cited was that the total cost of owning an EV was too high (34%). Nearly 1 in 3, 32%, said their driving patterns on long-distance trips were affected too much due to having an EV.

McKinsey found that consumers' satisfaction globally with charging availability has improved some since last year's survey but noted it "still has a long way to go."

Hey, Pete Bootyjudge managed to build seven new charging stations with three billion dollars of taxpayer money. Baby steps, baby steps!

Speaking of baby steps, Bootyjudge is taking three months off in Porto, Portugal to celebrate his baby standing up for five seconds. We wish him a wonderful Secret Vacation.

Speaking of Pete Bootyjudge, a train carrying hazardous materials has crashed again, this time in Illinois.

Simon Ateba

BREAKING--EAST PALESTINE 2.0: A freight train has derailed in Matteson, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Due to a hazmat situation, some residents within a mile of the crash had to evacuate their homes.

NOTE: Officials ordered evacuations due to a leaking train car, with mandatory evacuation zones within a mile south of Main Street and 217th Street, and areas a mile west and a quarter mile east of Main Street.

NOTE: Residents were advised to prepare for a long-term evacuation and to bring necessary medications and supplies.

NOTE: Representatives from Canadian National Railway are investigating the incident, and no injuries have been reported.

NOTE: The derailment occurred near the 21000 block of Main Street around 10:45 a.m.

Don't worry, Secretary of The Babysitters Club Bootyjudge is on it, just like he was on the train derailment in Palestine, Ohio.

Simon Ateba, the African reporter who gave Latrine John Pissoir such static until they kicked him out of the White House press room, has a kicking Twitter feed. He writes about Alito's dissent about Roberts', Barrett's, and Kavanaugh's embrace of fascist repression of speech:

Simon Ateba @simonateba BREAKING - OUTRAGED: Justice Samuel Alito EXPLODES after Supreme Court dismisses case against Biden's White House pressuring social media companies to censor what they deemed disinformation during COVID and the 2020 election, says America might regret the decision, says, White House pressure "Cannot Be Dismissed as Mere Persuasion."

In dissenting, Justice Alito was joined by Justices Thomas and Gorsuch

NOTE: Justice Alito expressed significant concern about the extent of government influence on social media platforms, emphasizing that the interactions went beyond mere encouragement and ventured into coercion.

"The Government's pressure tactics, which included threats of adverse regulatory action, cannot be dismissed as mere persuasion."

NOTE: The dissent argued that the majority mischaracterized the plaintiffs' standing, asserting that the connection between government actions and social media censorship was sufficiently established.

"The majority's demand for concrete evidence of causation in each instance of censorship overlooks the broader pattern of government pressure and its chilling effect on free speech."

NOTE: The dissent emphasized the potential chilling effect of government actions on free speech, warning that the ruling could embolden future government efforts to suppress dissenting views.

"This ruling effectively grants the government a free pass to continue its campaign of suppression, threatening the foundational principles of free expression."

NOTE: Justice Alito argued that judicial intervention is necessary to prevent further government overreach in influencing social media moderation policies.

"Judicial oversight is imperative to safeguard against the encroachment of government on the marketplace of ideas."

NOTE: The dissent highlighted ongoing evidence of government influence over social media platforms, pointing to continued communications and pressure tactics.

"The record is replete with instances of continued government engagement with social media companies, underscoring the persistent nature of the coercion."

Trump didn't need the baby stairs:

Do enjoy this epic roasting of an Australian leftwing propagandist by Tucker Carlson. He calls her out for being both a liar and for being "stupid."

Don't worry about illegal immigrant crim, you bigots.

Take a guess at what the judge who released this rapist -- who will of course just "melt into the shadows" again, and will not stand trial -- looks like.

Did you guess "miserable AWFL Karen who hates the world because of her own sour ugliness?"

Then you guessed right, my friends.


digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:30 PM

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