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October 04, 2023
The Blue Lagoon for Dogs Cafe

Charles Bridge, Prague
by @ilhan1077
Hard to watch, but if you're not in the mood for near-catastrophes: lots of clips of people very nearly being killed, but spared by luck or providence.
My goodness this zebra just barely escaped death, and he's not even aware of it! (And as the caption says: The crocodile has a little temper-tantrum afterwards.)
The Dogfather.
Am I being punked?
Compilation of racers celebrating their win... before the race is over. The races end as they must.
ATVs attempting to climb a steep cliff.
I could do this, but as you can see from the end of the clip, it's counterproductive. So I choose not to do it.
Pod person.
I could do this but obviously my testicles are much larger than this chick's.
Some of Buster Keaton's most spectacular stunts.
Baby donkey having a play.
Please sir can I have some milk?
Niagra Falls more like Viagra Fails amirite (No, I'm not right, I don't know what this means either.)
Simple magic tricks exposed. This is why they say "never reveal the secret of the trick." Because all magic, on a fundamental level, is just stupid.
Dogs are amazing:
On the other hand: Sometimes you can push a dog too far.
Humpday amirite?
Some tried to stop their forbidden love.
But their love was unstoppable.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:50 PM
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