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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (5/17/23) »
May 17, 2023
Duck Dim Mak Cafe

Xolos -- full name, Xoloitzcuintlis -- an ancient dog breed
that traces back to the Aztecs
This is dog-grooming. I don't mean cutting a dog's hair, I mean grooming a dog for sexual exploitation. Disgusting!
This cat is lazier than I am. Well-played, cat. Well-played.
This cat hates modern art more than I do. Bien joué, cat. Bien joué.
These babies have worse impulse-control than I do. You're on a dark road, my friends.
Penguin Tim Pool.
Look to the second blip on the water: It's a baby dolphin following his mom.
How an elephant rubs his eye: It's pretty much what you're expecting.
Little girls practices walking like a woman.
ICYMI: Feeding a stray dog who just birthed a litter.
The vocalizations of an Aquatic Snow-Bat.
Man's best bully.
That's what I saw, too.
Solved Mysteries.
I'm not sure what this is. I think this might be some art installation at whatever island they keep The Prisoner on.
Scary scarecrow.
Cats get a bad rap but they can be good eggs.
This duck is a practitioner of the secret, forbidden martial arts practice called "Dim Mak," or "Death Touch Technique."
Don't worry, though: He uses his Miyagi Energy Transfer Technique to bring the capybara back to life.