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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (5/3/23) »
May 03, 2023
Dog Birthday Party Cafe

Eltz Castle in Eiffel, Germany
by @long.explorer
Awww... So storks really do deliver human babies or am I reading this wrong?
Awww, again.
It's been a while since we've checked in with the sugar gliders. Who are Almost Bats!
ICYMI: The cutest little baby rhino.
Don't mess with the bull. You'll get the horns. Or at least a dirty look.
Guinea pigs reenact the Exodus.
Border collie clears up a traffic snarl. Not on my watch, sheep.
Big... juicy... bootie...
The hunter becomes the hunted.
Dogs just want to help, in any way they can.
Snow leopard cub.
Not all heroes wear collars.
This is a little scary, but a dog -- maybe a Golden? -- decides to intervene and break up a fight.
Who's fighting? A lion and a tiger. They're not kittens, either. Maybe juveniles but still.
You see, Mr. Bond, I have created four satellites, which I call the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...
I'm pretty sure this is just the opening of "The Banana Splits" but I don't have the technology to prove it.