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The ONT's The Thing Wherein I'll Catch The Conscience Of The King »
April 28, 2023
Fri-Yay Cafe

Baby rhino in a flying charge
Wakey wakey scramble eggy.
Four way brawl.
The Gladiator.
The cutest little sneak attack.
"We're playing Silence of the Lambs!"
Two videos in a row, showing how a dog and then a cat respond to being messed with.
Girl on a train.
Teaching the puppeh how to play with a ball.
Corgi welcomes the new puppy.
"All I said was 'does anyone want to go for a walk?'..."
Teaching a fren your sick dance moves.
Beautiful beluga whale kisses a boy.
Some more LIFEHACKS! I like the first one. They used a finishing nail for the demonstration. I wonder if they used a small nail because you couldn't squeeze a bigger nail through wood like that.
I will halp...!
Pyramids and Sphinx from the air.
Now on ESPN 8, the Ocho...
This guy TCOB.
This guy went rockclimbing with his own Batpole. Watch carefully, he actually jumps. Then he uses the poll to decelerate when it comes in contact with the ground, after a tic or two.
I didn't know you could do that. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't.
God just sent this in an email. He writes, "I know I said 'be fruitful and multiply,' but let's calm down here, okay?"
I don't need anything... except this stick... and maybe this stick... and this leaf... and maybe these three sticks... and also this dirt, and the sticks it's clumped to... So that's all I need, this stick, that stick, these other sticks, these leaves and some dirt. And also these other sticks. And that's all I need!
Angel Falls, Venezuela. Venezuela is know for its breathtaking natural beauty, as well as a flourishing kidnap/murder industry. Their new tourism slogan is Wouldn't you rather die among the alpacas?
The painful, bruising "love" of a cat.
You see, the love of a cat is very different than the love of a square.
He'll get there: