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Daily Tech News 29 April 2023 »
April 28, 2023
The ONT's The Thing Wherein I'll Catch The Conscience Of The King
Greetings Horde! I've been accused of being in my own little world before, but this beats that by a mile.
It is Friday, my dudes
Made it through another week.
Fido Friday: Adoption
Safety tip: Tannerite is an EXPLOSIVE
And don't think putting it in a fridge will help.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
I'd pretend to be mad, but inside I'd be LMAO
This is what a round from an AR-15 does to a ballistics dummy. We must ban these dangerous weapons of war
Taliban social media is lit
This is interesting
Right click and open in a new tab to read.
Farm tricks
Some of you asked to see Little's car after I mentioned it a while back
Mommy issues
I think I'm in love
Sadly true. The only solution is to lock it away from everybody
Acting on stage was fun, but I don't think I want to make a career of it. Too hard to get parts
Seems legit
Oh no!
Feline Friday: Avoiding cat-astrophy
Opening the ONT at 2 AM
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by summer in America:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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