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April 09, 2023
Gun Thread: Easter Edition!![]() There's a hare in my scope! Howdy, Y'all! Welcome to the wondrously fabulous Gun Thread! As always, I want to thank all of our regulars for being here week in and week out, and also offer a bigly Gun Thread welcome to any newcomers who may be joining us tonight. Howdy and thank you for stopping by! I hope you find our wacky conversation on the subject of guns 'n shooting both enjoyable and informative. You are always welcome to lurk in the shadows of shame, but I'd like to invite you to jump into the conversation, say howdy, and tell us what kind of shooting you like to do! Happy Easter Sunday evening, which can only mean it's time for the Happy Easter Gun Thread! So bite the head off your chocolate bunny, make yourself comfy, and let's hop right into the wonderful world of guns and shooting! ![]() Springtime is in full bloom here along the Mid-Atlantic states, and with spring comes pollen and with pollen comes allergies. Do you suffer from allergies? Your ol' pal Weasel do a little bit. Interestingly for someone who owns 30,000 pine trees, I am particularly sensitive to pine pollen. It's not terrible though, and truthfully I seem to be less bothered by it than I was a few years ago, so I must be getting used to it. Not much else going on, other than preparing for a Secret Mission taking place this coming week which should provide some material for upcoming Gun Thread editions. Q: Weasel, what is the secret mission of which you speak? So you'll just have to tune in next Sunday to find out what it's all about! With that, step into the dojo and let's get to the gun stuff below, shall we? 2023 NoVAMoMe Update ![]() Just a reminder the NoVAMoMe is scheduled for June 10th, and in a couple of weeks a registration page will go live. For those new to the process, we provide an email on the blog main page left sidebar. You send an email for more information and if you're interested, are then directed to a password protected site for registration and payment. For those with time available, NEW for 2023 are opportunities to get together and visit the day before the main event and shooting the day after with the Moron Gun Club (space limited), as well as exciting NoVAMoMe merchandise available for those attending. Please plan accordingly if this interests you. Details will be available with the registration material. I suppose this is as good a time as any to start nagging you people to come if you're able. It is really such a good time and everyone seems to enjoy meeting their online pals. For the introverts among us, rest assured this is a zero pressure event, and you are welcome to be the life of the party, or to simply sit back and just enjoy the day by people watching. Anyhoo - more details down below. Guns of the Horde First up, let's see what our ol' pal blaster has been up to in the 3D printing lab. ![]() latest iteration of blaster's blasters Mk 1 pistol - a 3d printed Frankenglock. Practical 3D Printed Guns ![]() I started working on this as a novelty. I have a 3d printer. I like guns. I printed a Glockish frame to see if I could, and I could. Then I decided to see if I could make it a shooter. The first one functioned really well right from the start. BUT, after about 300 rounds through it, barely enough to call it broken in, it was broken. The grip cracked and while it would still shoot, it wasnt anything I would want to shoot! A novelty, really. But it looked pretty promising. There are builders who say that they have thousands of rounds through a similar pistol, so it is possible to make a usable pistol this way. And that is my goal, an actual shooter. ![]() Maybe $8 worth of material there, but many valuable lessons Resources ![]() rails down ![]() rails up I printed rails down except for the most recent one. It's easier to clean up (20 minutes for rails down vs. an hour for rails up), takes less time to print (21 hours v 26), and while the internals don't look great, they do still work. The rails up one looks pretty good in the internals but looks way rougher on the bottom. If I reprint in the future, I will go rails down. The internal roughness does not make a functional difference. Neat-O! Thanks for the update blaster! Range Time! Who has been back to the range? Why, our pal Washington Nearsider has been back to the range! ![]() So I made it back to CF Phelps for closing day (they open again 01SEP), and managed to accomplish two missions. To establish a baseline, I zeroed myself to my satisfaction and then screwed my barrel into the can. (We're not doing phrasing anymore, right?) I expected some drop in impact, but what I got was extreme. Four inches! (No, seriously. We're done with phrasing?) I developed my own dope data! I established a known shift in POI based on a change to my shooting conditions. This is repeatable data and allows me to instantly dial in a suppressed round v. an unsuppressed round, depending on my shooting needs. I can also, I think, use this known data to extrapolate out the bullet drop at longer distances. If I'm hitting 4" low at 100m, I know the rate of fall of the round. That's constant. 9.8m/s/s. I should, in theory, now be able to dial in a suppressed shot at 300m using that data. I've not done it, but that's next on the list. ![]() ![]() ![]() All in all, I think this was my best solo range day ever. The weather was windy but gorgeous, there were a few other friendly shooters there (no range babes, alas), and I learned a - to me - very, very cool thing about the capabilities and performance of my weapons system. From this established zero, I now have the confidence to start extending my range in an effort to meet my 2023 goal of ringing steel at 1000m. Nicely done, WN! This, folks, is how you test and collect data on your firearms. Have a plan and take notes! Also, thanks for mentioning the Protektor Model Bags. I really cannot say enough good things about this company, their products and customer service. Remember all of my admonitions regarding wobbily shit? Well a Protektor bag is how you avoid this dreaded condition when you're shooting from a bench or other fixed location. I know we have a lot of super-ninja bad-ass tactical mo-fos out there who must travel light and be ready to burst into deadly combat action at a moment's notice, and owing to the weight of the bag this solution isn't for them. However, you merely normal people should do yourselves a bigly favor and get one! Pics of Yesteryear Our pal WTM shares a pic of Annie Oakley (WIKI) from yesteryear. ![]() I bet Nurse Ratched could do that! Ax Weasel Q: Weasel, how do weasels hunt? Here is our pal GunBlue490 with his thoughts on the meaning of Easter. Gun Thread Pop Quiz Last week we featured a nearly 12 Hour lecture on Special Relativity, and I mentioned there would be a quiz this week. Here 'tis: Q: How does Professor Greene spell his name? Put your answer in the comments and don't forget to show your work! Here is a fun little video on the M61 Gatling Gun. Home Gunsmithing Are you threading barrels onto your own guns, and do you use an anti-seize product on the threads? Does it work? Let's find out. NoVAMoMe 2023 ![]() Not so fast on the gun stuff, buckaroos! We have a little bit more on the NoVAMoMe to discuss. In fact, this will be the first of a long and seemingly endless series of reminders to get yo' big butt off the couch and come out and meet some of your online friends. Let's kick things off with a few NoVAMoMe FAQ. Q: Is it fun? Q: When is it again? Did you say June? Q: I'm sort of a dork. Can I just slink-in, watch for a bit and then slink out without having to actually speak with anyone? Q: Will bluebell be there? I really want to meet bluebell. Q: Is there food and drink? Q: Can I make references, even veiled references to the secret MoMe location on the blog? Q: Sounds great, Weasel! How do I sign up? OK, I'm talking to YOU Mr. or Ms. I'll Go Next Time. Guess what? The next time is here. It's a really fun event and we would love to have you join us. Hopefully some NoVAMoMe veterans will speak up in the comments and encourage the introverts to stop being big baby chickens and make this the year to come out of the shadows! Musical Interlude Here is Glenn Campbell and Classical Gas. Weasel really likes this piece of music. Man, that guy could play! I especially like it when orchestras play along with bands. Here is a version by the composer of the piece Mason Williams (WIKI). Gun Basics 101 New video from the She Equips Herself gal! This week's video has SEH gal answering your embarrassing gun questions! WeaselComment: Cigar of the Week ![]() This week our pal and Chief Gun Thread Cigar Correspondent rhomboid scores again with this excellent review of the Gilberto Oliva Reserva Blanc A ways back here I reviewed the Gilberto Oliva Reserva Blanc (I liked it). It's the mild option in what has become a 3-cigar line for Oliva. The Noir is the full-bodied, darker end of the spectrum. The original, called just the Gilberto Oliva Reserva, is a medium-bodied stick, with Nicaraguan fillers, an Ecuadoran binder, and light brown Sumatra wrapper. Excellent, rhomboid! Are you a professional cigar reviewer? Thank you! Here are some different online cigar vendors. You will find they not only carry different brands and different lines from those brands, but also varying selections of vitolas (sizes/shapes) of given lines. It's good to have options, especially if you're looking for a specific cigar. A note about sources. The brick & mortar/online divide exists with cigars, as with guns, and most consumer products, with respect to price. As with guns - since both are "persecuted industries", basically - I make a conscious effort to source at least some of my cigars from my local store(s). It's a small thing, but the brick & mortar segment for both guns and tobacco are precious, and worth supporting where you can. And if you're lucky enough to have a good cigar store/lounge available, they're often a good social event with many dangerous people of the sort who own scary gunz, or read smart military blogs like this one. -rhomboid Anyone have others to include? Perhaps a small local roller who makes a cigar you like? Send me your recommendation and a link to the site! Ammo Link-O-Rama This week's mailbag entry is from our pal and most excellent TXMoMe host Rancher Bob. Great one, thanks RB! ![]() Please note the new and improved protonmail account gunthread at protonmail dot com. An informal Gun Thread archive can be found HERE. Future expansion plans are in the works for the site Weasel Gun Thread. If you have a question you would like to ask Gun Thread Staff offline, just send us a note and we'll do our best to answer. If you care to share the story of your favorite firearm, send a picture with your nic and tell us what you sadly lost in the tragic canoe accident. If you would like to remain completely anonymous, just say so. Lurkers are always welcome! That's it for this week - have you been to the range? | Recent Comments
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