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Ace of Spades Pet Thread, January 28 »
January 28, 2023
Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, Jan. 28
Hi, everybody! Are you outdoors, or dreaming of outdoors? The lovely photo above, of winter blooms in Art Village in Balboa Park is from By-Tor.
Do you know what those flowers are?
Fedco is advertising potatoes. Totally Tomatoes is offering grafted tomato plants.
Baker Creek has spring garlic. Vermont Bean has Windbreaker Pinto Bean. Heh.
American Meadows has a primer on dahlias, including the various flower forms and plant types of these lovelies.
Here are some examples from a professional grower, Dorset Dahlias.
Do you grow either border or exhibition dahlias?
Remarkable Plants
Oldest olive trees in the world
This olivetree has been classified as 'monumental' by the Association of Cretan Olive Municipalities, due to the large size of its trunk, and due to the vicinity to the ancient settlements of Vrontas, Kastro and of the late Minoan and down to the Archaic Phase (1350-500BC) where several artifacts related to olive oil have been uncovered.
The tree is estimated to be 3250 years old, dating it back to the Post-Palatial Minoan Period. Just imagine what this tree has seen!
The tree is located next to the road leading up from Kavusi to Azoria. In 2004, the first female winner of the marathon of the Athens Olympic Games, was wreathed by a branch of a wild root stock of this tree. It is an amazing tree, huge and very alive and healthy. At the trunk it is between 4.7 and 7 meters in diameter, the canopy is around 10 meters in diameter and the tree is almost 7 meters high.
Ah, Nature
Western monarchs are still on the coast of California.
Near Santa Cruz
And near Pizmo Beach.
And some other places, too. Have you ever seen them hibernating in person? Sometimes they flit around some.
On the Farm
With eggs being so expensive, they might as well be interesting, too.

Rocky the Rooster
Yeti the Hen
Silkie chickens are very distinctive. They don't lay a lot of eggs, but are used to brood the eggs of other chickens.
I'm skipping this one.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:
ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Week in Review
What has changed since last week's thread? Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, Jan. 21
Any thoughts or questions?
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.
Sunset, Great Salt Lake