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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (1/18/23) »
January 18, 2023
Full Metal Pizza Alchemist Cafe

A wolf staring down a pair of coyotes.
Panda attempts to duplicate the going-down-on-yourself pose seen in "The Embrace."
Talking with a raven.
Feeding time at the croc pool: sixty crocs go for the single chicken thrown into the pool, one smart croc goes after the guy throwing it.
Something big out there.
Tiger chases monkey into its lair...
This week, amirite?
The Otter is disappoint.
Robot assistant.
Guy didn't think the date was going that well anyway. The Spanish at the end says, I think, "Better they say that here ran away a coward than here died a hero." I'll give him one thing: Decisiveness. There is no hesitation and no doubt. Just pure instinct and execution.
Probably a set-up but okay:
Do they put a mongoose in next?
A couple of weeks ago I was arguing with you guys. I told you it was not safe to put your faces right into the exhaust of a jet airplane. You all insisted, "C'mon Ace, don't believe that voodoo 'science' those mile-high mountebanks at the FAA peddle, it's fine to put your face right into the jetwash, it'll clean out your pores."
Well these tests prove that I was right and you're all idiots.