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January 18, 2023

Quick Hits

Washington Post columnist, fake "journalist," uneducated half-wit charity hire and racist race-baiter Karen Attiah thinks that grotesque Martin Luther King, Jr. "tribute" statue in Boston is... part of the White Devil Man's campaign to denigrate his memory.

Karen Attiah IS ON INSTAGRAM @karenattiah @KarenAttiah

Boston's Embrace statue perfectly represents how White America loves to butcher MLK.

Cherry-picking quotes about love and non-violence.

While ignoring his radicalism, anti-capitalism, his fierce critiques of white moderates.

MLK- in his fullness-- is still too much for them.


This is what happens when white America tries to grossly distort what MLK really stood for... and ultimately.. what they murdered him for.

In making MLK a whitewashed symbol of love, the Embrace statue is both safe AND grotesque. Says little about the man, a lot about America.

Our "journalist" class is not just a bunch of stupid, uneducated mentally-ill neurotics whose only skills are hysteria and racial arson, but they're just lazy welfare queens. A three second google search would have saved Attiah the embarrassment:


But she won't be embarrassed. She'll just say "White power structure, white patterns of thought, endless white subjugation, a white matrix prison we can never escape from, yadda yadda yadda."

It's a horrible statue, no doubt. But almost all public statues are horrible, because our "elites" design statues to garner compliments for themselves, not to honor the subjects they're supposedly honoring, and not to please the public or beautify the settings in which they're set. Representational art is something the commoners will understand and like, and therefore forbidden; we must "challenge" them with ugly monstrosities. We must always be "educating" our inferiors.

Instead of talking about that, this One-Note Parrotbrain can only screech about White Power Structures, squawwwwwk.

Rep. Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell

I will make this open bet to @tedcruz -- if the @dallascowboys beat the @49ers I won't tweet for the rest of January. If the @49ers win you can't tweet for rest of January. How Texan are you, Ted? Deal?

Ted Cruz @tedcruz

How about we bet a Chinese dinner instead?

Via the Daily Wire, which points out that SwallowAll has previously called Cruz a Nazi. So now you're trying to make friendly, buddy-ish bets with him?

So that means you never believed he was a Nazi, that was just something you said for attention and Twitter likes. And also, that means you expect the people you call "Nazi" to understand that you don't mean that horrific insult seriously, that they should understand it as pure political theater.

Fuck you, Chinese Agent-of-Declining-Influence.

Mitch McConnell's allies and Democrats and the Washington Post -- but I repeat myself -- are all out praising Thom Tillis as a "reasonable" senator who can compromise with Democrats and make bipartisan deals and keep government working the way we've come to expect it to work.

They think all of these things are compliments.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) promoted Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) to Republican leadership as the North Carolina senator has continued to strike deals with Democrats.

The Washington Post wrote a glowing piece on Tillis's newfound status as a bipartisan dealmaker. Republicans and Democrats across the Senate praised his ability to strike compromises to pass legislation that would advance President Joe Biden's priorities.

McConnell added Tillis as a counselor on his leadership team for the remainder of the 118th Congress.

"North Carolina and the whole country benefit from his service and I'm glad he's taking on this new leadership role," McConnell said in a statement to the Post.

McConnell's promotion of Tillis strikes a stark contrast with Senate conservatives, who have opposed McConnell's leadership and the Senate GOP's dealmaking with Democrats.

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) recounted in an interview with Breitbart News that Democrats have not broken rank to pass conservative legislation in at least 50 years.

He said, "I asked the senator who's been here in his third term, maybe fourth, to give me one example where it has occurred in recent times. He could not come up with anything, and then we pretty well concluded that hasn't occurred in the last 50 years."

Tillis's promotion has earned accolades from moderate Republicans and Democrats.

"He is an extraordinarily good vote counter," Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said of Tillis.

"And my hope is that people like Thom and others will step up to help make the Senate work," Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT).

He was also instrumental in passing the bipartisan "infrastructure" bill and the $1.7 trillion omnibus. Next up, he wants to pass an amnesty-- in exchange for Theoretical Border Security, you understand.

I know many of you doubted me when I previously campaigned against Mitch McConnell. Do you believe me now?

Armed robber sticks up the wrong gas station.

A Georgia man who attempted to rob a gas station at gunpoint ended up in police custody after three armed citizens put a stop to the crime, without ever having to pull the trigger themselves.

According to the Gilmer County Sheriff's Office in north Georgia, 39-year old Shawn Sutton strolled in to the Ideal Mart and grabbed an energy drink. When he got to the check-out counter, however, Sutton didn't pull out his wallet. Instead drew a gun... but not before using an unusual disguise to try to hide his face.

After obtaining the energy drink, the suspect pulled a pair of women's panties from around his neck to cover his face. He went behind the counter and pointed a .45 cal. pistol at the head of the clerk and demanded all the money.

A customer, legally carrying a concealed pistol, produced his firearm and intervened in the robbery while the second customer went to his vehicle, obtained his pistol, and returned to assist the first customer in subduing the suspect.

There was a third customer at the Ideal Mart when the attempted robbery took place, but he was outside at the gas pumps. When the second customer ran outside to grab his pistol from his car, the guy at the gas pumps then got his pistol and headed inside to assist the two other armed citizens.

Yesterday, I think it was Fenelon who was asking if Klaus Schwab was a Nazi's get.

Indeed, he is.

Davos frontman Klaus Schwab's daddy, Eugen Schwab, while the Third Reich was ravaging Europe in the 1930s and 40s, served as managing director of Escher Wyss Ravensburg, an engineering firm that constructed turbines and fighter plane parts for the regime.

While the elder Schwab worked in this capacity, the Nazis awarded Escher Wyss Ravensburg the prestigious title of "National Socialist Model Company" for all of its hard work in the service of the Führer.

To achieve this recognition, Escher-Wyss Ravensburg, under Eugen Schwab's leadership, utilized Nazi slave labor and prisoners of war in its facilities.

Ravensburg itself, aside from the slave factory, was the site of numerous Nazi crimes against humanity, such as forced sterilization for the purpose of "racial improvement." But to Eugen Schwab, that was just the cost of doing business with the Third Reich.

At Davos, Larry Fink, head of ESG leftwing mega-investment firm BlackRock, whined that people are being too critical of ESG and making it "personal."

During an interview on Tuesday in Davos, Switzerland, the asset management company executive remarked that disputes concerning environmental, social, and corporate governance investing have created significant controversy.

"I'm taking this very seriously," he told Bloomberg News. "We are trying to address the misconceptions. It's hard because it's not business anymore, they're doing it in a personal way. And for the first time in my professional career, attacks are now personal. They're trying to demonize the issues."

The reference to critics' attempts to "demonize" the ESG movement comes days after Elon Musk quipped on social media that "the S in ESG stands for Satanic." The billionaire entrepreneur formerly called the philosophy a "scam" that has been "weaponized by phony social justice warriors."

The Wokelords had a free reign for years and are finally being challenged, and they don't like it one bit. Klaus Schwab's opening statement also whined about "those who take a negative attitude" (his critics) against those "with a constructive attitude" (the Davoisie). That's at about 9:00 in that clip. It's an oblique reference, but I do think he's whining about people finally hearing about this "You Will Eat Zee Bugz and Like It" agenda and objecting to it, and lashing out.

John Kerry: We brave do-gooders of the Davos elite are like "extra-terrestrials."

...When you stop and think about it, it's pretty extraordinary that we--a select group of human beings--because of what touched us at some point in our lives--are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet. I mean it's so...almost extraterrestrial to think about "saving the planet." If you say that to most people they think you are a crazy, tree hugging lefty liberal do-gooder or whatever and there's no relationship...but really, that's where we are.


A Davosian told Brian Stelter that the US would soon follow the European Union and have "hate speech laws," and not just as far as online censorship, but as far as criminal law.

She laughs, giddy at this prospect.

Greta Thunberg was "arrested" at a protest of the expansion of a German coal mine.

The "arrest" was a Red Badge of Courage among leftwing environmental extremists:

The "arrest" was also faked, or at least choreographed with friendly, colluding police who were very willing to act as props in Greta Thunberg's pantomime production, as well as a co-conspirator propaganda media:

There's a new videogame based on Noted Accurate Woman-Identifier J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter franchise called Hogwart's Legacy, and the transextremists and their transextremist allies are demanding that no one pre-order it, because that "literally harms" trans people.

Sarah Daniels @SarahDaniels

From someone who was literally a poster child for the Hogwarts School Choir at Universal Studios... if I can not buy Hogwarts Legacy, so can you. It really is that easy. This was one of the best, most memorable parts of my life, but JKR is harming people I care about.

Sleiyr @The_Sleiyer

Replying to @SarahDaniels

I love HP and it's world. Idgaf about the author, I don't follow her or the drama. Politics aside, I will be enjoying a game that I pre-ordered because of it residing within the HP fantasy world that saved me when I was a kid, going through dark times.

Sarah Daniels @SarahDaniels

Replying to @The_Sleiyer

Congrats on your donation to actively harm trans people!

Hogwarts Legacy is now the number one selling game on steam and PS5 and number 2 on XBOX.

So the transextremists basically told people "Buy this game if you are getting tired of us constantly bullying you and telling you you have to live our mental illnesses."

And people did.

Another man who is not trying especially hard to pretend to be a woman has been awarded an endorsement deal to promote tampons to women. Because, you know, transgenders need tampons. In their minds.

Ben Bartee writes:

Third-wave feminists are probably getting tired of all this winning.

In a stunning victory over the patriarchy, women now have yet another transgender icon who was born with a penis to represent them and their feminine hygiene needs. A second transgender (self-identified "girl"/adult human male Dylan Mulvaney being the first) named Jeffrey Marsh just scored an endorsement deal with Tampax.

This pyrsyn says he wants to help women get over their shame over having periods, which is, you know, something he really can help little girls with, because he has so much experience not growing up as one.

Remember when mentally-ill people had to try to comport their behavior to seem more like sane people, rather than forcing the sane to live their lives according to the delusions and fantasies of the clinically insane?

That was a good system. We should go back to that system.

digg this
posted by Ace at 06:26 PM

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