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January 13, 2023
New York Times: Let's Face It, DeSantis Is Worse Than Trump
The leftwing propaganda media spent the last six or seven years telling us that Trump was a Hitlerian fascist, and is now here to tell us that Ron DeSantis is even worse.
Of course.
The problem?
Ron DeSantis respects the media even less than Trump. Like Trump, DeSantis attacks and belittles the media, but unlike Trump, DeSantis refuses to give them interviews or leaks.
Denying the media the interviews and leaks they make their easy money from? Now that's the real face of fascism.
The New York Times whines that DeSantis isn't satisfied with attacking the press as Trump did, but is "even ignoring" the, get this, "nonpartisan" "mainstream media" organizations "like ABC News." LOL.

Assigned to cover the re-election campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, Miles Cohen, a young ABC News reporter, found himself stymied. The governor would not grant him an interview. Aides barred him from some campaign events and interrupted his conversations with supporters.
When Mr. Cohen was finally able to ask a question about the governor's handling of Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis shouted him down -- "Stop, stop, stop" -- and scolded the media for "trying to cast aspersions." The DeSantis campaign then taunted Mr. Cohen on Twitter, prompting a torrent of online vitriol.
So on election night, Mr. Cohen decamped to a friendlier environment for the news media: Mar-a-Lago, where former President Donald J. Trump greeted reporters by name. "He came up to us, asked how the sandwiches were and took 20 questions," Mr. Cohen recalled.
Mr. Trump, who heckled the "fake news" in his speech that evening, elevated media-bashing into a high art for Republicans. But ahead of the next presidential race, potential candidates like Mr. DeSantis are taking a more radical approach: not just attacking nonpartisan news outlets, but ignoring them altogether.
Although he courted right-wing podcasters and conservative Fox News hosts, Mr. DeSantis did not grant an extensive interview to a national nonpartisan news organization during his 2022 re-election bid -- and he coasted to victory, with Rupert Murdoch's media empire now promoting him as a 2024 contender.
He's "worse than Trump," you see, because the disparaged reporter got a warmer reception at Mar-a-Lago. Maybe Trump insulted the media generally, but he's willing to at least talk with them one-on-one.
But not this Fascist DeSantis!
As Mahatma Gandhi said, "the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members," and society's most vulnerable members are, of course, children-of-the-upper-middle-class, privileged, "elite" educated $120,000+ per year cadre of do-nothing laptop-peckers of the media. We shame ourselves by not kneeling to rub oil into their precious, soft uncalloused pedicured pink feetsies.