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January 05, 2023
Happy Fun Thread!
Howdy, Y'all! Had enough outrage for one day? Do your fists ache from being clenched in balls of rage as your day's last cries of fury die unheard? Well then kick off your shoes, put on your slippers and sweater, and de-stress from the rigors of serious blog readin' with the Happy Fun Thread!
Truth be told, I cannot really decide which political party I dislike more, the Democrats or the Republicans. In a strange sort of way, I actually have some amount respect for the Democrats, because they fight for what they believe in, however retarded that may be, and at least to me seem to win more than they lose. As I write this Thursday, the Republicans having squeaked by with a majority are in disarray over the very first item on their agenda and that is electing a Speaker of the House of Representatives. As I understand the rules, they cannot proceed with any other business until that is settled. Given their general level of incompetence, I almost hope they never elect a Speaker and spare us the next two years of "reaching across the aisle" and "working with their friends" on the left. I'm not sure how much more of their leadership we can stand.
Q: Weasel - aren't you getting yourself worked up over politics on the Happy Fun Thread?
A: Damnit, you're right!
As you know, Mr. O'Spades is on a well-earned vacation, and my directions as a helper-monkey were simply "Do a thread on 1/5 at 6:30". Since I have made it my mission in life to be happy and cheerful despite the constant insults to common sense and decency from the left and the right, I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a short break from the news of the day.
So let's all link arms and with hope and joy in our hearts, skip into the Happy Fun Thread together, shall we?

FSJ sez: Lighten up, Francis!
C'mon, man! You can't be angry all of the time, can you? Here are some fun animals. I mean, who doesn't enjoy fun animals? The Science has shown people with pets are happier, live longer, have more friends and are smarter and better looking than pet-less people. Really!
Monkey teaches kitty to eat yogurt
Does your dog bite?
Cats, dogs and monkeys
Speaking of monkeys...
Indoor kitty plays with snow
A BIG indoor kitty!
Kitty raises money
A Kittyman sea shanty!
Not a kitty. Definitely not a kitty
Let's take a break from all the bullshit and enjoy a nice relaxing pause in the outrage. What else besides the collapse of civilization is on your mind?

posted by Weasel at
06:30 PM
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