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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (6/29/22) »
June 29, 2022
Seasons Fleeting Cafe

Swiss winter scene, by Senna Relax
Driving away an alligator with a frying pan.
I think this critter is real and not CGI, but it's harder and harder to tell. Update: Gourmand Du Jour identifies this mystery critter as a Pallas's cat or manaul, which is a pet you can get when you reach level 30 as a Hunter in World of Warcraft. But is also apparently a real animal.
Content warning: Has a bit of surprise vermin in it.
A picnic table with a view.
Dog is a champ at balancing a ball on his nose! Or, alternately, he is an abused animal whose owner glues things to his snout. Your choice. I think the first one is cuter.
Guy drives off a boa which had a fawn in a deathlock. Did he do it to save the fawn, or just to clear the road because he was late for his tanning appointment?
Blended fur-family.
Time lapse photography of fog practically boiling over the sea.
Best dancing boy.
This parrot is putting the moves on this girl, and totally winning.
Gun does impressions of... people's running forms. Some of these are pretty good.
Steven King's Roost.
Don't celebrate until the race is won.
Dog going crazy as his owner uses all of his favorite Trigger Words on a fake phone call.
Apollo 22: The Duck Mission.
Nice little jogging path:
Always swim with a buddy: