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June 16, 2022
In Left-Leaning Fox Poll, Republicans Are Beating Democrats On Question, "Which Party Do You Trust More to Preserve Democracy?"
Wait a minute, this wasn't supposed to happen.
Logan Dobson
This is going to cause some heads on Twitter to absolutely explode
Republicans are winning the "preserve Democracy" argument with voters
The poll, like all of Fox's polls by its Hillary donor Arnon Mishkin, skews harder to left than Brian Tater's sad pud. Biden's approval is at 44%, for example -- higher than his showing in most other polls.
But there's that "preservation of Democracy" question at R+1. And the leftwing braintrust at the Fox decision desk was counting on that question to show strength for the Democrats they vote for and call elections for early.
Maybe we can get the toadlike Liz Cheney to come out and give another electrifying Adult Show-and-Tell presentation.
More: You won't believe this, but the public favors the Republicans to control inflation and crime.
Forty-seven percent feel they are falling behind financially, up 20 points compared to last June. Some 42% are holding steady, while only 10% are getting ahead.
Eight-two percent of voters rate the economy negatively, including 57% who describe it as poor -- the highest in a decade.
When asked to offer a more general assessment of their economic mood, 65% say they feel pessimistic. That's an 18-point increase since last year, and up 30 points from four years ago.
Nine in 10 report the cost of food and gas are a problem for their family. That includes majorities who say current grocery (55%) and gas prices (67%) are a "major" problem. For voters in households earning less than $50,000 annually, nearly three-quarters call gas prices a major problem (72%). And by a 50-32% margin, more voters say President Biden's policies are responsible for current gas prices than blame Russian President Putin's war with Ukraine.
Voters see Democrats as better at handling the issues of climate change (by 15 points), abortion (D+8 ), voting rights (D+6), election integrity (D+3), and coronavirus (D+3).
The Republican issue advantages are larger and, importantly, on the top issue. They are preferred on inflation (R+19 points), border security (R+19), crime (R+13), and foreign policy (R+8 ).
It is more evenly divided on preservation of American democracy (R+1), and neither party has an edge on gun policy. In 2018, the last time Fox asked this gun policy question, more voters trusted Democrats to handle the issue by a 3-point margin.
The Republican advantage on inflation comes mainly from a 30-point preference among independents. Some 17% of Democrats also say the GOP is better on the issue. Yet the highest defection among Democrats, 19%, is on border security.
58% of the public trusts Democrats to randomly add the letter "x" to the end of words where it doesn't below. Happy Pride.
Dave in Fla. highlights something I should have: the issues the GOP lead on are far, far more important to the public than the issues the Democrats lead on.
All of those issues that the Dems are strong on, represent the most important concern for 25.1% of voters.
The issues that GOP is strong on represent the top concerns of 64.6% of voters.
Posted by: Dave in Fla
You're going to kill yourself? In the words of Willy Wonka, no don't stop.