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April 29, 2022
Report: No One Likes Kamala's Nasty Clapped-Out Snizzbiscuit
Well, I mean, taking "Kamala's Nasty Clapped-Out Snizzbiscuit" as a synecdoche for Kamala Harris, I stand by that headline.
#Smart, Victor Davis Hanson-endorsed blog.
At RealClearPolitics, we learn that line about Joe Biden not being in any danger of being infected by Kamala's Kovid because the two are "not in close contact" wasn't just a dry medical fact.
It was a boast.
Biden Promised Harris Lunch 'Once a Week.' They've Had Two This Year
By Philip Wegmann
Joe Biden takes lunch seriously. As vice president, his weekly lunch with Obama wasn't just a meal. It was a meeting when things really got done, a moment set aside on the White House calendar for the two men to break bread and build out an agenda.
And yet, according to a review of the president's public schedule by RealClearPolitics, Biden and Harris have only sat down to lunch twice this year, a significant drop when compared to the 12 times they shared the meal together by this same point last year.
I'm not sure Kamala Harris is broke-down crying about not getting to have lunch with Grand Patriarch Felonyfingers over here, either.
Can you imagine this guy trying to eat solid food? Can you imagine the noises and the grinding and the spray and the jetsam?
Think about it. And think about why the only thing you see him eating publicly is the semi-solid ice cream.
And you never see him chomping into the cone. Curious,, that.
And the stories? Having to just sit there and endure and endless stream of fictions and fabrications and straight-up lies and Grandfatherly Advice and inappropriately sexual remarks disguised as the former and having to just smile and nod and pretend to believe it all? Shit about mind-wrestling Corn-Pop and being an All-American Wing-Back for Notre Dame and turning down the Heisman Trophy to highlight the Civil Rights movement and being the original drummer for Counting Crows and how he summitted Everest in Nineteen Hundred and Augthty-Naught wearing nothing but a jockstrap and a love-locket given to him by a Parisian flapper dancer named Marie Curie, would you believe it?, Marie Curie, no I'm serious, listen to me, I'm the one who told her "I think there's something weird about this glowing rock, cover up your tits and look into this," and how the entire premise of Knight Rider was based on his years at University of Delaware Law school and "here let me adjust your underwear for you, Sweatheart."
Nah, she's not missing her Lunches with Lunchbox Joe, either.