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April 15, 2022
Good Friday Cafe
A procession of penitents in Zamora, Spain,
during Holy Week (Semana Santa).
These processions have been staged
since the Middle Ages, and Zamora's
are the oldest in Spain.
By the way, Zamora's penitents wear monk's hoods rather than the tall conical caps that are worn in the rest of Spain. Not only are the monk's heads nicer looking, but they keep this site from being #CancelledWithExtremePrejudice.
This dog seems to think that he has to twirl around to "wind up" the automatic fetch machine. I guess he did that early on when he was learning to use it and thinks that powers the machine.
Pilot lands a jet on its belly without landing gear. I assume he had to do this because of a mechanical problem and not because of, like, a bar bet or a dare or something.
Mild content warning for sexy illusion. I'll leave it to the chat to discuss what's going on here.
Dad-generated virtual reality.
Bouncy sheep. Too energetic to put you to sleep, but pretty.
Now you will see my Mantis Style Kung Fu!
Jazz paws. I can't really improve on the caption provided.
bounce bounce bounce bounce
1, Check yourself, 2, wreck yourself
Thank goodness it's Friday night.
No really, thank goodness.
In honor of Good Friday -- the final resting place of the Holy Grail.
I'm just always surprised at how fast baby rhinos are.
Baby elephants have some speed, too.
"Idiots, begone! Begone from me, nitwits!"