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April 15, 2022
Eliminate The Impossible And Whatever Remains, However Improbable, Is The ONT
Hello Horde, and welcome to Friday. Time for your weekly dose of memes!
Anyone remember Rick rolling?
Gift idea
Friday night game: Pick one
I think I'd have to go with the Firebird. I don't feel like the Fox body 'Stang belongs in this group. I know it was modded all throughout the 80s and 90s, and wound up being pretty fast at the strip, but still...I dunno, maybe I'm wrong. Which one would you choose?
No, you know what? Sub this bad boy in for the Mustang, or hell, choose between all 4.
Oh man, that would suck
I once played a song for a girl, to show her my feelings. It didn't go well, and the 3 or 4 minutes that the song was playing were excruciating. LOL! Learned my lesson, yes I did.
Time check
Lifehack for bastards
Honestly, sometimes I get pessimistic, and I remember how things should be. It's hard to blame 20-somethings for crippling depression
New “Be that guy” meme dropped
That man was later personally executed by Hitler himself.
This girl shreds
I want to know where and when this was taken. The trees say So Cal or Fla (or maybe Hawaii), and the board looks to be post 80s style (about 8” wide, both the nose and the tail angled), but that's a serious skatepark. She's coming out of the snake run, and there looks to be a cloverleaf bowl behind her and a streetstyle area off to the left, plus who knows what else.
Fido Friday:Vicious pack attacks a young girl!
So God made a Canadian
Today's homily is unusual cruel
This guy shreds too
Choose wisely
This is so true.
What can I say, someone's got to do it.
New info on the subway shooter
Clown car. Looks like Europe. Bets on whether these folks are peaceful migrants? Anyone want to bet? Anyone?
What kind of racist are you?
Science joke
Bar joke
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by conspiracy theories:
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend, a weekend dedicated to celebrating Christ rising from the tomb. And if he sees his shadow we get six more weeks of winter.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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