Good Friday Cafe »
April 15, 2022
Quick Hits

Twitter's board of directors have decided to spurn their fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder value and have voted for a poison pill that will dissuade Elon Musk from attempting a bidding war for individual shareholder's stocks. The provision will grant other shareholders the right to purchase additional shares at below market value as anyone buys more than 15% of the stocks in the company, thereby making the effort useless. And thereby reducing the price that anyone would ever pay for Twitter stocks.
They did this to protect their own political influence, not for the benefit of shareholders.
I think it's time for a memestock situation. Everyone should just by one or more stocks and then vote with Elon (or give him the proxy vote) to let him boot out the board of directors.
Jeff Carlson points this out.
Expect shareholder derivative suits against the board of directors, alleging self-dealing.
Great thread from Drew Holden comparing BlueChecks saying "Muh Private Corporations can do whatever they want" when Twitter banned Trump but who are now saying oligarchs can't just own private corporations and do with them whatever they want! That's just fascism and madness, that's what that is!
Some of the best of Gilbert Gottfried on Howard Stern. Yeah I know Stern is awful. But Gilbert wasn't.
Interesting fact: Gilbert quit high school at 15 to do stand-up full-time.
If any kids are reading this blog: Don't listen to your parents. Quit school as soon as possible to pursue a career in entertainment, sports, or piracy.

Via Newsbusters: Eight things that, for real, are more popular than CNN "Plus."
CNN: Gee, Trump was more popular than Joe Biden at this point.
81 million votes, folks.
How long can this go on for?
How long can this go on for?
Note: LibsofTikTok is not reinstated. She is still locked out of her account. But previous posts are still accessible.
I think the below is funny, because it's mocking the law and people who care about the law.
Note that I never would have previously found the law funny, nor would have found mockery of the law funny.
But I've just watched a year of the "Guardians of the Law" telling me that it's legal to burn cities down if you feeeeeel aggrieved (despite the actual facts) but that lawful citizens are not allowed to conduct lawful trade nor exit their homes.
So yeah: Fuck the law, fuck the government, fuck society.
And I'll laugh along with the anarchists.
PS how long does The Regime think it can last when they people it used to depend on to uphold law and order now scoff at these things and actively wish it all to come crashing down?
As Instapundit, I think, quoted someone as saying: When the lower classes revolt, you get riots.
When the middle class revolts, you get revolutions.