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April 11, 2022
Climate "Scientist" (ahem) and Creator of the "Hockey Stick" Hoax Takes to Twitter to Shriek About Marriott Hotels Having FoxNews Playing on the Fitness Center TV
Are you okay?!?!
Hide the decline:

He attempts to use his Twitter Klout, which is not a real thing, to pressure Marriott into #Cancelling Fox.
Lincoln Project co-founder Reed Galen -- and therefore pedophilia cover-up participant -- saw an opportunity to grift his liberal donors by jumping in on the #cancelation effort:
Stephen L. Miller
"We'll wait" lol, until when? Marriott turns 18 and then you lose interest?
People who say "Twitter doesn't matter" are a little wrong, I think. Yes, twitter is a sewer. Yes, Twitter is stupid and illiterate.
But it is from Twitter that these cancellation efforts are organized. Twitter permits the left to do this, and censors/deplatforms the right from protesting or organizing their counter-cancellation efforts. If the right organized a campaign warning that we'd #Cancel Marriott if they bow to the insane left, twitter would throttle that hashtag so that no one saw it.

Supposed Climate Warrior Michael Mann was asked -- say, if the climate is in such peril, couldn't you have zoom-called your way to this "meeting" rather than generated so much CO2 to physically travel there?
His answer: No, I had to be present to receive my award.
Obviously the award -- for fighting for the climate, one assumes -- could have been given virtually.
But his ego needed to hear the applause at the physical space, so Fuck the Envivornment.
It's always the same with people -- the climate is important enough that you should live smaller, poorer lives, but never important enough that They should do so.