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April 07, 2022
Wolf and Bat Cafe
Indian flying fox (fruit bat) mother
with her young hanging on to her belly,
by Daniel J. Cox.
Sexy bunny cheesecake video.
Baby porcupine (called a "porquepette," they say).
For Duncanthrax, a big bat exhibit.
Is this a snoring whale? I think so.
Duncanthrax -- the dog's ears look like batwings.
Dogs on a hammock.
When you're not home... Definitely watch.
A goose comes in for a sliding water landing.
Porn for cats.
Martial arts defense against an assault rifle: theory vs. practice.
Oregon Muse ponders.
"Sea bats?"
Inman: This isn't really funny, just shows trained vs. untrained in a fight. This might be the Nitter link.
Cow has had enough of the lash. Nitter link, Maybe?
Repeating: Here's Statler the 32 year old bat, who was so old they had to pretend to fly him around to give him some wing-exercise.
Sadly Statler has passed. But he had a good life.
Who, indeed?