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March 28, 2022
Ron DeSantis Signs Anti-Groomer Bill Into Law
Fourth Grade Teacher/Groomer In Austin Claims That Twenty Out of Thirty-Two Students Have "Come Out" to Her, Thanks to Her Grooming Efforts
The so-called Parental Rights In Education Bill is now officially the Anti-Groomer Law.
The legislature bans teachers in those grade levels from teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill also allows parents to sue school districts if the policy is violated. Proponents of the pro-parental control law say the bill gives decision-making power back to the parents over their children's education.
It also forbids schools from hiding information about a child's sexuality or mental health struggles from parents -- and that kind of hiding is of course critical to grooming efforts.
The Groomer Corporation Disney immediately denounced the law and vowed to Make Grooming Great Again:
Walt Disney Company
Statement from The Walt Disney Company on signing of Florida legislation:

Give Disney credit for learning the McConnell playbook.
1. Take a strong stand against a bill.
2. Do absolutely nothing to stop that bill from becoming law.
3. Make sure the moneymen know how strongly you agree with them in their stance against that bill.
4. Then take their money.
5. Move on to the next issue.
Posted by: Wally
But there's no grooming in the schools, just like there's no CRT being taught in the schools.
Libs of Tik Tok
These are internal messages from a 4th grade elementary teacher in @AustinISD. She's upset that an entire week dedicated to LGBT still wasn't good enough. Coincidentally, 20/32 of her FOURTH GRADERS are LGBT and have "come out" to her
What the hell is going on in these schools?!
Those emails below: