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March 14, 2022
Kamala "Heels-Up" Harris Suggests That Ukraine Is Part of NATO
Someone Failed to Position Her For Success Again.
Before getting to that, I have to direct your attention to an even more egregious video of Kamala's stunning unpreparedness.
I missed this clip of her babbling in a bilateral press conference with the President of Romania. Here, she is asked -- addressed as "Mrs. Vice President" -- about US gas prices and what the Biden Administration would say to Americans about it. And this question is posed in English.
Kamala Harris turns to the president of Romania and bizarrely pleads with him to answer the question.
Then, when he declines to answer about US gas prices or what the Biden Administration would tell Americans about them -- because he's the president of Romania -- she begins reading off her notes about... what she talked with the president of Romania about.
This is what she said instead of answering the question:
Harris immediately looked to Iohannis to which he pointed back at her to take the question. She paused for a moment and responded, "In terms of the discussions that the president Iohannis and I had, they ranged in subject including the issue of the Black Sea and I'll let him explain in more detail as he would like."
Again at the end she directs the question to President Iohannis! Again she says, "Ask the more capable man for the details of the homework assignment I didn't do."
This really is inexcusable. She is everything the press said that Dan Quayle was, and worse.
Below, Harris suggests that Ukraine is part of NATO.
And NeverTrump foisted this on us.
The adults are back in charge, baby.
She actually topped her unsteady, unprepared cackling performance with the president of Poland the day before.
Jessie Watters commented on her performance with the Polish president, first noting that she was, for once, reluctant to accept another country's refugees.
(Hint: Their ethnic derivation suggests they might not vote "the right way.")
WATTERS: She always accepts refugees. She's never said no to accepting refugees and she couldn't handle it and she tossed it to the Polish president. That was strange to then cackle and laugh during a time of crisis like this. Putin's got to be looking at this and saying to himself and his KGB, this does not look like a united front. When you have a kerfuffle amateur hour with the Polish jet, it's a fiasco.
Biden apparently said yes, send jets, and then the Pentagon said now, we can't do it. So Biden said it was the Polish president's idea. And so she goes over there and it's a word salad. I counted some phrases and we're paid to speak for a living, so we know when someone has no idea what they are talking about.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: You're the expert.
WATTERS: I am. In three sentences, this is what she said, "to the extent," "in terms of," "in light of," "in particular," and "as it relates to." There is a guy on social media, I think Matt Walsh was his name. He said Kamala sounds like she's trying to hit the word count for a term paper. Remember in high school you just had to get it to 300 words. That's how she sounds.
And then with Romania's president, she just straight-up begged the Smarter Boy at the desk next to her to let her copy his test answers.