« Ladies and Gentlemen, Mrs. Speaker of the House: The State of Our Union... Is Brandon
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March 01, 2022
State of the Brandon Thread 2
Bret Baier: "He had a pretty good night tonight."
The whole point the Democrats have been hoping for is a "reset" on covid and a "reset" for the Biden presidency.
And so Brandon just said, "Let's reset on covid, let's not treat it as a partisan issue."
In other words: Let's stop treating it as the partisan issue I and the Democrats made it, because now that partisan issue is hurting us.
Remember when Bush the Elder read his notes and said "Message: I care" at a debate? That's pretty much this. Reading the subtext you're trying to convey as your read-aloud text.
This guy talks like a lawyer in Idiocracy. "Folks! We gotta grow the 'conomy."

A lot of chatter on the same subject:
Karol Markowicz
It is very hard to understand the president. #SOTU
Charles C. W. Cooke
He can't speak.
>Mark Hemingway
Biden's initial forceful delivery of the Ukraine stuff was OK to good. Twenty mins or so in and this is just painful to watch in terms of delivery. He's a mess.
Tammy Bruce
"The bipartisan bjchufhuifbuj act"
And the Democrats are cheering like coked-up monkeys to convince their brain-dead Karen Korps that Brandon's really hitting it out of the park:
Even by the standard of an audience full of politicians, something feels so fake and forced in their "enthusiastic" response.
Even this sad high-talking womanly "man," who by the way supported Biden, gets it:
Ramesh Ponnuru
This is a speech for a presidency that is going well and needs no major course correction.
He means that this is the wrong speech, that this is the speech you WOULD give IF the presidency were going well.
BTW, Bulwark "writer" and Democrat operative Tim Miller thinks Brandon is right to double down on their popular Squad-vetted agenda:
Tim Miller
Replying to
I think it’s a speech for a White House that (correctly) thinks people don’t know their popular plans and (probably incorrectly) thinks that is what they need to do to course correct.
360 This speech is a Full Metal Word Salad.
Posted by: LostInSpace
"Eljibilty" (eligibility)
Once again he has to omit syllables and simplify the word to a babytalk level.
518 i wonder why noone thought of ending cancer before
Posted by: anachronda
Stupid motherf***er is telling us he's going to cure cancer... again. Like he told us he was going to cure cancer in 2014.
How many times can Sheriff Joe cure cancer?
"Made great strife"
He meant "strides."
Jesus Christ Almighty.
Thanks, NeverTrump.