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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (2/16/22) »
February 16, 2022
Content Warning Cafe
Some cute stuff, some not so cute stuff. Some content warning stuff.
Here's a content warning one. A big great white shark is filmed in shallow water. It's pretty tense as the people filming it insist on walking within yards of it. The reason for their boldness becomes evident: The shark has been hit by a propeller across the back, just behind the dorsal fin, and is bleeding profusely. I guess they think it's too weak to attack them, but it does seem capable of thrashing about. At about 3:45 it lifts its head out of the water and you can see it's a white shark.
I'm linking it because this shark is really big and the camera gets close to it. I feel a bit bad for the big thing. But then, what was it doing in shallow water? Nothing good, if my memory of Jaws is accurate.
A ferret. Content warning: Shows some kind of weasel.
Man and mama dog team up to rescue her puppies from a cave-in.
"Be free, little one! I said, Be free, little one!"
And you think your job is stressful.
Don't do drugs, mmm-kay?
Reason for collision: Elephant had itchy butt.
Tiger pursues a scent -- underwater.
This one's a bit content warning-ish -- though, no worse than some of Steve Inman's. Two guys on a motorcycle stop and mug a couple. Then, at the end of the clip, Max Rockatanski comes flying in to avenge them.
It's glorious.
DARN! They deleted it. Some of these links are only up for a couple of hours. I will try to find the video somewhere else.
Another link, thanks to Gentlemen... Instant Mad Max Karma.
Another one that's not very cute at all.