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Food Thread: Fry Early...Fry Often...And Get Someone Else To Clean The Kitchen! »
February 13, 2022
First-World Problems...
A 500gb SSD drive that failed after barely five years! You know...a drive that just a few years before I installed it was unimaginably expensive, and a couple of generations before that, was simply unimaginable!
The worst part was that it failed catastrophically, which made recovery a pain in the ass. Sure, I have back-ups galore, but it took a long time to rebuild everything. And I learned that a hodgepodge of back-ups makes rebuilding a tedious process. Next time I will use a commercial product (which I have tested already).
We are incredibly spoiled by the pace of innovation and the rapid decrease in the price of those innovations. I remember paying more ( a lot more!) for 4 megs of RAM than I paid for that 500gb drive!
But the downside is the incredible complexity of the systems. Most of us...or at least the geeky among us...were once able to maintain the hardware and software with minimal issues. But the trend is to make everything effortless to use but difficult to master. Of course that is a function of the operating systems being barely disguised spying tools. They harvest every bit of saleable data from our personal lives, and it is quite difficult to minimize that, let alone stop it.