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February 11, 2022
Brandon Snaps More at Reporters, Continues Having Alzheimer Moments, Continues Lying
Brandon, in Tough Guy mode, warned someone to not even "think about" asking him questions.
Gee, wonder why.
A White House official warned reporters to not even "think about" asking President Joe Biden questions as the president began a round table event at the White House on Wednesday.
"Don't think about it, Matt," she said, according to the pool.
When Brandon set down with Lester Holt, it was another disaster.
The GOP should demand that the media make all the unedited footage of Brandon's interviews public. Given that he gives so very, very few interviews, it makes it vital that we see every moment.
And that we see every embarrassing Alzheimer Moment and "eye resting break" they edited out of the interview.
Biden routinely attempts this tough-guy intimidation of reporters when they ask a question he doesn't like.
Which is rare, because they're in the bag for him.
But when they do -- "You're being a wise guy," "You ain't black," "What a stupid son-of-a-bitch," etc.
We heard a lot about authoritarianism and Putin Admiration from the leftwing press and their leftwing pilotfish in NeverTrump about Trump.
And yet not a single comment about Brandon's frequent attempts to intimidate the press away from asking their very rare semi-difficult questions.
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Another Alzheimer Moment: fundraising for DC area congresswoman Abigail Spahnberger, Brandon forgets her name, so he takes a guess.
The guess he comes up with? "Abigail Congresswoman."
Pretty close!
Here's Brandon firing on all cylinders and sounding semi-coherent for once.