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New Years Eve ONT »
December 31, 2021
Ace's Rockin' New Year Cafe
Well, not really rockin'. Just kinda the same old crap if I'm being honest.
Once you're Almost 29, is any new years, or any of your own birthdays, really rockin', or even more than a spot on the calendar?
The Horrible Year in Pictures. Though a lot of these are from 2020. I think 2020 and 2021 are basically one continuous turd of a year.
Here's a little flashback: A thread of people wearing very strange improvised protective garb. Many of these pictures were during the initial covid panic.
I remember then when it all seemed a little scary but more amusing than scary. It would all blow over in about... two weeks. It would take two weeks to flatten the curve, they told us.
We were younger then, weren't we? Much younger.
Rockin' horse.
Chatty batties. Cute little foxbats.
New video of Boji the Commuting Dog.
Why does he travel? I understand why he'd want to be inside someplace. But why does he move from one train to another, or to a ferry?
Here's a story using older video to explain Boji's story, if you don't know it.
Otter is ready for his Oscar nom.
Napping otter.
If you missed it: Smooth Otter Criminal.
Cat cuddles with his four bird "friends:" Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Also Dinner.
Dog invents game of Hackey-Stick, then buys a van to follow Phish around the country.
The odd kitten.
The Reverse Heist.
Dog-faced pony-soldier.
A baby elephant wants to be friends with a dog, but the dog's not too sure.
Here, let me help you, buddy.
Inman: Haulin' ass.

Via I, Hypocrite
I denounce him and distance myself from him.
What a terrible thing to say.
And on this, the holiest of days.