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December 23, 2021
What Attack Will CNN Lodge on Fox Tonight to Distract From This?
They always lodge a Distracting Attack when one of them gets busted for some kind of sex or ped0 charge.
Only Poso is reporting this, so far. I don't see anything up on the Human Events website up yet.
Project Veritas did name this individual as the man who allegedly fantasized about sex with a woman's very underaged daughter.
Seems pretty detailed. Also seems like defamation bait if he's just guessing or speculating.
Fake Jake's sanctimony should be particularly loathsome today.
By the way, Twitter deleted Project Veritas' video about this individual.
Accusations are not proof. In this case, though, there is the matter of the recordings of a man detailing graphic sexual fantasies about this woman's daughter. She claims it's Jake Tapper's producer. I guess it could be another guy. But those recordings exist and have to be accounted for in some way.
As far as crimes: Fantasies are not crimes, even if of the reprehensible variety. Where he might be in trouble criminally is in asking for nude pictures of the girl, which the mother alleges he did. I'm sure he'd say he just wanted some Tasteful Art or whatever. And I don't know if nude pictures of a child are per se pornography, even if that is their intended use.
I'm extremely proud to say I've never had to research the law in this area.
This might just be non-criminal, extremely odious, keep-your-kids-away-from-him scumbaggery.
Which at CNN earns you Employee of the Month and a parking spot right next to Jeff Zucker's.