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Monday Overnight Open Thread – 12/20/2021 »
December 20, 2021
Yule Dogs Cafe

Father and baby girl laughing.
Guy running his dog, backwards. He's going backwards. His dog's going forwards. And in reverse.
Mission: Prehensile-Tail.
Little dog likes the ice slide just as much as his boy.
Bowling trick shot. It's a good one.
Dog enjoying a stroll in the snow.
Christmas pup.
Doggie Snow Rescue.
Inman: Overweight cop vs. soy punk on a bike. The x-factor: heart.
Stray dog decides he's on neighborhood watch.
Antifa-in-Training get a preview of the rest of his miserable soy-soaked life.
The Federalist has a jokey list of Christmas songs that must be cancelled.
But seriously: There are a lot of bad Christmas songs I wouldn't mind hearing the last of. Some of them are on this list.
Which Christmas songs do you think should be put on Santa's Naughty List?
Feliz Navidad's gotta go, right?
That Wham song has gotta go. Most "rock" Christmas songs are trash. Not all, but most. (Christmas rock songs are neither Christmas nor rock nor songs. Discuss.)