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Daily Tech News 18 December 2021 »
December 17, 2021
Lets Get Ready To ONTTTTTTTTT!
Friday night! Time for the madness of memes.
Fido Friday: I'll save you”
Good thing this is a bathroom, 'cuz that would scare the shit out of me
Let's go Brandon
Jeff Goldblum is just doing side quests at this point
The ONT recommends stocking up on canned goods for the burning times
Santa Claus is coming, to rink
It's a girl!
Now, see, Sy? This kid's got balls*
* A year's supply of ampersands to the Moron that can name the movie this quote is from
1950 or 2021?
The picture was taken this month in Colorado.
Liberal logic
New kid's book dropped
Why AlextheChick is not a liberal
All I know is that I want another dozen
Living their best lives
Usually I can figure out what they are trying to say, but this is beyond me
Do people really not know about the Wild Weasels?
I saw this on another forum
What's interesting to me was the comment section. Most of the comments were from younger folks, Gen-Z and later Millennials. There were plenty of leftists and feminists attacking the OP as sexist and misogynistic, but they were actually outnumbered by people pushing back in favor of traditional values and arguing for the beauty of pregnancy, families and fatherhood. It gave me hope.
Cheap shot
The player was arrested and charged with “willful injury-causing serious injury”
True Communism
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by BACK DOOR LOVE!

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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