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December 06, 2021
The Morning Rant

"GREETINGS, FELLOW RIGHT-WINGERS"This weekend, a group of several hundred calling itself "Patriot Front"
paraded around Washington DC very conspiciously. The marchers all had their faces covered in the same way, all appeared to be about the same age (20 something),
all carrying the same upside-down American flag, the same round plastic shields and similar tactical gear. And then, after the march was over, the marchers were spotted getting into U-Haul trucks and driven away.
The social media account that first posted the video of the march that first went viral as a warning suddenly switched and claimed to be a 'Patriot Front' before being suspended by Twitter. Also, the account was created sometime in November. My guess, late November.
Every conservative on social media is saying "What is this 'Pstriot Front'? I've never heard of them before today." The marchers look like this:
...which reminds me of this photo of totally authentic conservatives:
In other words, very much like participants in yet another FBI false flag operation.
And you know who wasn't there? Antifa. If this were a Proud Boys or Patriot Prayer march, Antifa/black bloc would have shown up in force and done their best to turn it into a street brawl complete with bear spray, fireworks, baseball bats, and Molotov cocktails.
But Antifa apparently took the night off. Hmmm, I wonder why.
Can the feds be any more ineptly obvious? I mean, holy crap, if I wanted to present an image of a scary right-wing "insurrection"-type group in order to frighten ignorant and easily duped progressives who never leave their impermeable bubbles, it would be these guys.
In other words, this is the most obvious false flag operation the feds have ever done. You know, they've done this so many times, you'd think they'd be good at it by now.
So it looks like the feds are just trying to burn off their excess funds so their budget won't be downsized next fiscal year. Either that or it's another Lincoln Project field trip.
You Don't Say:
A Play In 5 Acts:
...And Here's Act 6:
Strong Contender For Dumb Tweet Of The Year, 2021:
Narrator: The Article Doesn't Actually Have Any Proof
How To Spot A Parent Who Watches CNN All Day:
Some Serious Projection Going On Here:
If DeSantis Were Emperor, I'd Pay To Live Here:
(click to enlarge)
Who Dis:
Photo 2 (elbows!)
Photo 3Photo 4 (leggy!)
Photo 5Photo 6 (leggy!)
Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Friday Who Dis: According to the Valor Guardians blog, our Friday 'who dis' lovely Chris Noel was (and is) quite a remarkable woman:
Chris Noel was a Hollywood sex symbol who became a Vietnam War icon. She was a model who turned actress – who then turned to entertaining the troops in Vietnam. Noel worked on the Armed Forces Radio And Television Service. Her program “A Date With Chris” made her fondly known by vets as “the voice of a California dream girl” by many Viet vets – while her pin up pics were very popular with the troops.
Noel entertained four tours of Vietnam...For her work, she received the Distinguished Vietnam Veteran award in 1984 from the Veterans Network.
Also, according to her bio on imdb, her helicopter was shot down twice in Vietnam while she was on tour singing and entertaining troops. She was considered so popular and influential that the Viet Cong placed a $10,000 bounty on her head.
Oh, and her male counterpart is the supporting actor John Saxon, who in his career appeared in over 200 films. He is perhaps best known for his role as Roper opposite Bruce Lee in the martial arts classic Enter the Dragon. He appeared with Ms. Noel in the 1968 sex comedy For Singles Only.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Tomahawk Steak:
(h/t Jean Georges Steakhouse, Las Vegas, NV)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:12 AM
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