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December 03, 2021
Unexpectedly, Job Creation Numbers Are Less Than Half of What Were Expected
And wonderfully, the numbers came out while Jen Psaki was appearing on her future employer MSNBC.
Awkward moment for Press Secretary Jen Psaki this morning, as disappointing jobs numbers announced as she was on MSNBC set. Said she couldn't comment on the jobs numbers until 930 am.
-- Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) December 3, 2021
No one knows what "rule" she's talking about. You can't talk about the numbers before they're public, for obvious reasons. Once they're public, you can talk about them.
Sister Toldjah speculates that this is a White House "rule" -- in other words, a non-rule -- created to give The Regime time to come up with a spin to explain away the economic misery as Recovery Summer IX mixed with a healthy dose of Funemployment and Funflation.
Yesterday -- or maybe the day before -- Jen Psaki insisted that the unending wave of organized looting was caused by the pandemic and nothing else.
Oh wait, she also claimed it was Trump's Fault.
Psaki at first pinned the blame on former President Donald Trump for not offering more funding to local police before turning the blame on the pandemic.
"Well, Peter, I would say that when the president proposed additional funding in his budget over the funding that had been proposed by the prior president to increase in support local police departments, make sure we keep cops on the beat," she said.
But otherwise, it's all due to the pandemic, and not due to her fellow Democrats legalizing crime. Or their paramilitary terrorist allies in BLM and antifa.
No, it's just the covid, which is Trump's fault. And also Trump's fault for being... insufficiently pro-cop (while also being fascist!).
She refused to back away from her security blanket talking points. She just kept lying: All the looting is because of covid (and Trump).
RNC Research
Symptoms of COVID-19, per Biden’s White House:
Fever or chills
Sudden urge to loot Home Depot