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November 19, 2021
Cheese in a Cave Cafe
Abandoned cliff-hanging restaurant in Italy:

Via AbandonedPix.
I can't find the details on that now, but I previously came across this, and if I remember right, the structure is unsound, um, structurally.
There are cliffside hotel/restaurants that remain in operation, like this one.

But that one, the Grotta Plazzese, just closed for the winter on November 14th, so better luck next time, Idiots!
(Plus I think Italy's still completely closed to foreigners, isn't it?)
On to the cute animal videos:
Dog draw the attention of an automatic camera and looks funny. He looks like Miss Piggy with his snout all up front.
Doggie loves his play pool, and brings it everywhere with him.
I brought you a delicious snack.
Owl: It's so nice that this cat is grooming me.
Cat: How hard can I lick before my master will realize it's just slow-motion eating?
The Top Gun school for stingrays.
Ball decides to play fetch by itself, and dog does not like that at all.
Goose is so happy when his owner comes home.
Rescuing a stray cat: From wretch to Fetch!
Lizard sees itself in mirror and MIND. BLOWN.
Treating a cat according to what it believes is its proper station.
I'm on vacation!
See you!
I'll be around so it's not like I won't be around to say happy Thanksgiving. But if I don't see you, Happy Thanksgiving!