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November 01, 2021
NBC News Poll Confirms That Biden's Job Approval Now In Toilet (Even If His Bowel Movements Aren't)
Obese leftwing political operative Chuck Todd delivered the Sad! news yesterday:
We have a brand new NBC News poll out this morning that's filled with tough news for Democrats.
The country is headed --
In the right direction: 22
On wrong track: 71
President Biden's job performance --
Approve: 42
Disapprove: 54
Write-up of major poll findings here.
A majority of Americans now disapprove of President Joe Biden's job performance, while half give him low marks for competence and uniting the country, according to results from the latest national NBC News poll.
What's more, the survey finds that 7 in 10 adults, including almost half of Democrats, believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction, as well as nearly 60 percent who view Biden's stewardship of the economy negatively just nine months into his presidency.
Disapproval of his handling of the economy has soared from 43% in April to 57% now. NBC minimizes this huge shift by saying "more now disapprove."
Yeah. Slightly.
He's seen an even worse shift on Covid. In April, his disapproval on covid was 27%; now it's 47%. A 20% increase.
Look, Fat: just tell us how bad it is.
On the generic congressional ballot question -- just "Which party are you voting for in Congress next year?," no individual names asked about -- Democrats lead within the margin of error, 47 to 45, but that means Republicans are really ahead.
Furthermore, Republicans are much more motivated:
But the GOP enjoys a significant enthusiasm advantage at this point in the election cycle, with 69 percent of Republicans expressing a high level of interest about the midterms (on a 1-to-10 scale), versus 58 percent of Democrats who hold the same level of interest.
Republicans have huge leads on most important issues, and only trail on a few typically leftwing issues -- and on those issues, Republicans trail by smaller margins than usual.
When asked which party better handles particular issues, Republicans hold double-digit advantages on border security (by 27 points), inflation (24 points), crime (22 points), national security (21 points), the economy (18 points) and being effective and getting things done (13 points).
By contrast, Democrats hold double-digit edges on abortion (by 10 points), the coronavirus (12 points) and climate change (24 points), but all of those advantages are smaller than those the party enjoyed during the 2020 election.
Now, about the rumor going around:
Amy Tarkanian
Oct 30
The word around Rome is that Biden's meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an "bathroom accident" at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving.
I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now.
Conspicuously absent:
He was busy throwing poop-coins into the Depends-well.
I can't wait to hear the same people who pushed the Pee Pee Prostitutes hoax, and the claim that Donald Trump was an asset of Vladimir Putin, scold conservatives for propagating the #PoopyPantsJoe hashtag.
The self-righteous condemnation of rumor-mongering and conspiracy-theorizing from Noted Leftwing Conspiracy Theorist and Rumor-Mongerer AllahPundit will be especially pungent.