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August 30, 2021
Impeachable -- putting the word out to the press that Biden will demolish the alliance between the UK and US if they continue merely noticing> that he's senile.
British newspapers reported that UK government officials said that Biden "looked gaga" at his press conferences, and seemed "doolally" -- old colonial-era slang for "out of one's mind."
Joe Biden "will remember" comments about his mental acuity emanating from senior figures in the UK, and will "bear a grudge" against Britain, sources told the Telegraph.
It came after Cabinet insiders were quoted as suggesting the US president "looked gaga" and described him as "doolally" in the wake of the fall of Kabul.
"The Brits have their view. But they should be careful. What's been said is offensive and he will remember it. He actually has a long memory," a US source told the Telegraph.
"It's always been his way that if somebody says something really bad to him, or about him, he doesn't speak to them again. He does bear grudges. Boris Johnson should know that."
The source added: "The president is not 'gaga'. He's actually picked up his game quite a bit since the campaign."
Dementia is a progressive disease. No one just "gets better."
By the way: They also refer to him as "Sleepy Joe."
That's Trump's sobriquet for Biden, right?
So now Joe Biden is threatening the very relationship between the US and UK over feeling personally slighted by the British.
For noticing his obvious mental condition.
Didn't we impeach Trump -- twice! -- for far less?
I'm seeing so many norms restored I'm getting sick of all the norms being restored!
A mother of one of the Marines killed by Joe Biden's incompetent grabass scramble out of Kabul says Slow Joe's apologies are worth jack squat.
He once again brought up his dead son Beau as proof he knew what it was like to have a son die in combat. Beau Biden never saw combat in his life. He was in Iraq to train their prosecutors. He died of cancer, not of wounds.
From the Washington Post:
One of [Lance Corporal Rylee] McCollum's sisters, Roice, said she and her sister and her father joined McCollum's wife, Jiennah McCollum, on the trip. But when it came time to meet with the president, they left the room, because she said they did not want to speak with the man they held responsible for McCollum's death.
Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in "total disregard to the loss of our Marine," Roice said.
"You can't f-- up as bad as he did and say you're sorry," Roice said of the president. "This did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands."
For any of you who thought Biden looked pathetic, weak, and lost as he desperately clutched his notebook of answers written for him by his handlers...

... The Washington Post says nah, Stupid, actually the White House savors all of these points Biden is scoring on Fox News.

David French just sent me that article under the subject line "Dethenthy restored."
More clips of the super-competent Political Mentats of the Biden White House absolutely PWNING Fox News at Twitchy.
Incredibly, John Kirby answered a question about starting evacuations earlier by saying, "I don't think it's [earlier evacuations] important."
And they're also claiming that both 1, they consistently warned people about the possibility of the swift collapse of the Afghan National Army and 2, no one could have predicted the swift collapse of the ANA.

The fun thing about Biden's accelerating descent into dementia is all the wonderful inherent racism it'll be stirring up.
Biden's handlers told him he wasn't supposed to refer to black men as "boy" but he decided to do so anyway.
Kicking off a White House roundtable on #HurricaneIda, President Joe Biden says he's here "with my senior advisor and boy who knows Louisiana very well"
NeverTrump is going to start saying, "No one could have predicted that a man in the middle states of dementia -- who was always an idiot his entire life -- would govern incompetently."