« Incredible: The Biden-Occupied Government Gave the Names of Our Afghan Allies (and Green Card Holders) to the Taliban, So They Could... Help Us Get Them to the Airport |
Quick Hits: All of My Housekeepers Are Dying of Covid Edition »
August 26, 2021
Biden To Address The Growing Threat of Corn-Pop
Corn-Pop's a bad dude.
Video of the Puppet Show here.
"I repeatedly warned you this would be extraordinarily dangerous when I repeatedly assured you that the Afghan government would not fall and that there was no rush to get people out of Afghanistan." I added some to the end of that quote.
While we're waiting:
Alex Thompson
Increasingly looking like US will end up leaving behind > 1,000 American citizens and many times as many Afghans who assisted the US.
Will have to try to evacuate them in different ways after August 31st w/o US troop presence.
· 2h
State Department: "we are now in contact with the roughly 1,000 Americans we believe remain in Afghanistan. And, the vast majority -- over two thirds -- informed us that they were taking steps to leave. We believe many, if not most, of these individuals are nearly or already out.."
What is "nearly out"? Is that anything like "mostly in"?
Obviously, if we're leaving hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan, we'll be leaving lots of Afghans in Afghanistan.
With President Joe Biden intending to stick to the Aug. 31 deadline for U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan, it's becoming clear that thousands of the Afghans who helped the U.S. won't be evacuated, a scenario that has engendered deep frustration inside U.S. national security agencies.
"People are furious and disgusted," said a former U.S. intelligence official who declined to be quoted by name. A defense official said he grew nauseated as he considered how many Afghan allies would be left behind.
At the CIA, "officers feel a real sense of obligation, moral obligation and personal obligation" to the Afghans they supported and trained, said former CIA Director John Brennan, an NBC News national security consultant.
Ohhh. John Brennan has a sadz. I hope he doesn't chug a bottle of vodka and wash it down with a bucket of pills.
Via Deb Heine from American Greatness: Biden Voters Posting Their L's Online.

Don't expect any similar contrition from NeverTrump. Oh, they'll attack Biden.
But they are too egotistical to ever confess error.
They literally hate our guts and would rather slit their own throats than to say that we were right while they were so very, very wrong.
These Chairborne Rangers have something more important to protect than our Marines do: Their Twitter Credibility (TM).
Nancy Pelosi's only statement after the Kabul bombing was a Yas Kween Slay statement about Woman's Equality Day.
I'm just going to say it: if "top women's" first idea after the bombing of our troops is to celebrate themselves -- are women really equal?
Some are.
But it seems pretty clear that many are not.
Do we have to pretend that all the bubblehead narcissists are real thinkers? Why? Why does the list of Noble Lies we must tell grow by the day?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired off a series of tweets Thursday reminding everyone it’s Women’s Equality Day -- her first posts on the platform after explosions outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, left four U.S. Marines dead.
"Today, and every day, let us summon the suffragists' spirit of hope and strive to lift up the voices of women across the nation -- because we know this truth: when women succeed, America succeeds," Pelosi, D-Calif., tweeted about noon Thursday.
"Despite progress, women across the nation still face barriers to full equality: from shameful pay disparities to the unfair economic impacts of the pandemic to the brazen assault on the right to vote. At this moment, Democrats are committed to Building Back Better with Women."
Trump issued a statement. It wasn't about Women's Equality Day.
I guess that means Trump hates women.

This "Defiant Ls" account is great. All they do is mash up tweets from leftists from 2020 -- for example, saying they will never allow themselves to be injected with Trump's Poison Vaccine -- and from the same leftists in 2021, demanding jail for anyone who doesn't take Biden's Miracle Cure.