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Kabul Collapse Cafe: Ghost Moose Edition »
August 26, 2021
Quick Hits: All of My Housekeepers Are Dying of Covid Edition
For a little bit of levity:
This is the greatest video you will ever see. Well, that you will see this week.
You absolutely must watch that. Trust me. We need it today.
Back to the horror:
Video of the Taliban showing off just a tiny fraction of the mint weapons Biden armed them with.

This is the CNN headline right now:
"Biden braces for fallout as his dire warnings of a Kabul terror attack come true"
Who cares about dead soldiers? We need to worry how this affects Biden. Before you know Republicans may even pounce.
It's been said 1000 times of course but the MSM is truly the enemy of the people.
Posted by: Joe XiDen
Via Instapundit, some good stuff from Amy_Stillindc.
Me-Again McCain has important Twitter Thoughts:
Maybe it's time for the McCain family to shut their stupid heiress well-visited mouths:
You voted for him, asshole:
David French
The United States has taken more hostile fire casualties in Afghanistan today than it has taken in the last two years combined.
The obvious incompetence of our political leadership now has a deadly toll. Incompetence kills.
But the tweets, Pastor French. You must admit the tweets are bliss!
(Via Tami.)
"Conservative" Bill Kristol endorses another Democrat.

Weird, it's almost as if he's not a conservative. It's almost as if he's being paid by Democrats to create the illusion of an "Anti-Republican Republican Party."
Biden's polling on his handling of Afghanistan continues to plummet -- and this poll was taken before today's carnage.

The adults are in charge again!
Below, an adult who obviously overserved herself from the bottle of vodka she keeps in her desk.
The adults are back in charge: