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August 18, 2021
National Pulse: Biden's State Department Halted a Trump-Crafted Crisis Response Plan for Getting People Out of Hot Zones
Just dropped.
This wasn't specifically about Afghanistan, but about getting Americans out of any hot zone.
And I don't know how much I believe that any new bureaucratic unit would have fixed things.
Still. It is something, and something beats the Biden Administration's nothing every time.
Joe Biden's State Department moved to cancel a critical State Department program aimed at providing swift and safe evacuations of Americans out of crisis zones just months prior to the fall of Kabul, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.
The "Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau" -- which was designed to handle medical, diplomatic, and logistical support concerning Americans overseas was paused by Anthony Blinken's State Department earlier this year. Notification was officially signed just months before the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.
"SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED," an official State Department document from the Biden State Department begins, before outlining the following move the quash the Trump-era funding for the new bureau.
The document is dated June 11, 2021, though The National Pulse understands the decision to pause the program may have come as early as February, both undermining the original Trump-era date for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, and certainly giving the Taliban time to threaten American assets and lives on the run up to Joe Biden’s September 11th date of withdrawal.
Read the whole thing; there's plenty more at the link.