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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (7/13/21) The ONT Has All-Star Content Edition »
July 13, 2021
Lego Tactical Assault Squad Cafe: Go Pro Animals-Eye-View Edition
Woman attempts shaming her cat, because the cat roams the neighborhood pilfering people's stuff.
Dumb human -- cats have no shame.
An Oregon woman devised an unorthodox way to pay penance for her thieving feline -- by posting a sign asking neighbors to reclaim items snatched by her klepto kitty, Esme.
"The neighbors in my community know where to look for their stuff," Beaverton's Kate Felmet, 50, told Today of the marker, which reads "my cat is a thief" alongside a picture of Esme clutching a glove in her mouth. Dangling from a clothesline next to it are gloves and other pilfered belongings, which Felmet encourages the rightful owners to take back.
She had previously returned the items during door-to-door "apology rounds," Insider reported.
Man attempts to flee from the cops, and is racistly assaulted by a wall.
Cop deploys furmissile against criminal.
Motorcycle literally drives up and over another motorcycle.
Dude has himself a nice sit-down.
You can't blame the cat. You knew what you were getting when you decided to get a cat in the first place.
So many dogs!
Guy practices rolling on a trampoline, and his dog joins in the fun.
Big but gentle dog lets his nose get landed on.