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July 09, 2021
The Worst of the Liberals of TikTok
Mentally ill progressives (is there any other kind?) spend every day uploading their extremist, venomous, and seethingly resentful poison on to TikTok.
They are almost all obviously mentally ill. I saw someone say that we should play a game where we diagnose their mental illnesses based off their fifteen second TikTok case histories.
Here are some of the worst:
Bizarre drag queen haunts a children's playground and makes children cry.
A persistent theme is mentally ill people explaining their mental illness to a mostly-sane audience. And being very smug about their mental illness.
It's a very persistent theme.
Here's a twenty something girl who serves a Sexuality Announcement Cake to her parents to announce, dramatically, that she's bisexual.
Sixty three million "bisexual" college sophomores just emailed me to say, "No way, really?"
A mentally ill person forces his fiance'to put money into a "Misgendering Jar" every time he "misgenders" him.
Just an awful lot of deeply insignificant people demanding that you take the time to memorize whatever absurd Luxury Pronouns xey've chosen for xemselves this week.
There's so much #Pride it hurts.
A very popular topic among the mentally ill leftwingers of TikTok is the constant claim by transsexuals who, let's face it, are very lazy and mostly not even trying, insisting that if you don't want a penis in your mouth you're transphobic.
Even though, frankly, even if I was interested in the genital set these people were born with, I would still have absolutely no sexual interest in them at all.
Another persistent theme is whining about "fatphobia." Again, with the smugness.
And the smugness about the mental illness.
Just mental illness stacked on top of mental illness.
And more mental illness.
Some of the mental illness is very hard to look at.
Just an awful lot of people who want to show that they are mentally damaged.
Another persistent theme is mentally ill people singing songs and doing "comedy skits" about their vaccination status.
Here's another trash-person singing a trash song about how proud he is to be vaxxed, so he won't be mistaken for a Trump supporter.
So many terrible songs about useless eaters and human detritus praising themselves for having got a shot at the pharmacy.
And of course they all came out to attack America on the Fourth of July.
Leftwing Teacher TikTok is the worst of all. Here is a leftwing Teacher TikToking how she's indoctrinating your very young children into the 57 genders.
Leftwing teachers like reminding people that they are the very least educated of all the supposedly educated classes.
These very uneducated people also need you to know that they are racist, and if your child is white, they hate your child for his or her race.
That same "teacher" wants to show you the bizarre indoctrinations she has planned for your children.
Content warning for "Dick Waffle" house in Barcelona, which is what you fear it is.