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May 29, 2021
Saturday Gardening and Puttering Thread, Memorial Day Weekend [KT]
Hope everyone is off to a nice start of their Memorial Day Weekend. I thought it would be nice today to concentrate on flowers I associate with Memorial Day, mostly because they bloom at this time of year, but also for other reasons. First up, peonies. The one above is from Mrs. Leggy:
Here is my peony tree, which came with the house, which used to be my parents' house. Mom planted it years ago and it blooms every year. This year is particularly spectacular. It's a little different that a regular peony. It has a woody stem and most of the year is just a humble bush in the yard. It blooms every May.
Thanks as always for the gardening thread!
My mother favors peonies for placing on graves on Memorial Day. We never had Tree Peonies, though. Here's a close-up:
Don in Kansas has moved, and has the kind of peonies I grew up with in his new yard. Congratulations!
We also have another Tree Peony from a city garden:
And what I think is another herbaceous peony - plant and flowers - from a country lurker.
And from Dr_No, artistic treatments of a plant known as a peony tree, which bloomed last month.
Not sure they're peonies, but they're nice.
Some irises bloom on Memorial Day and some before, but many of them are referred to as "flags".
These are early-blooming wild Sierra iris from a Lurker:
And from a "mostly lurker" who is working on a mostly shady garden:
And of course where I have sun, I include some Irises.
Thanks for your post - look forward to it every week (even if I'm not there to chat in the comments).
I know what kind of iris that stripey foliage will produce. Anyone want to identify her irises? She also has Japanese Irises elsewhere.
An Iris photo from Illiniwek. It grows near his porch.
Not frilly, like most bearded irises sold today, but still wonderful.
And from 40 miles north, a flag unfurling.
Don in Kansas left this poppy in Wichita. Fun photos at the link.
How to grow poppies. Featuring Flanders Poppies, AKA Corn Poppies or Field Poppies, also Shirley Poppies. The seeds are edible. Some varieties be better than others.
Here are some similar Greek poppies. Available from J.L. Hudson.
The Famous Pat* and her hubby have had their first harvest. If you didn't catch their comment, go ahead and click the link.
CBD would like to know the identity of this nice plant. Perennial, stays green all summer, not a repeat bloomer. Nice to hear from a COB once in a while.
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at that g mail dot com place
Include the nic by which you wish to be known when you comment at AoSHQ,
unless you want to remain a lurker.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:24 PM
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