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May 26, 2021
Quarantine Cafe: Frolicsome Seals Edition

Meteorologists call this the "Shit's About to Get Real" cloud type
More from Laura Heiden at StormCloudPhotography.com.
Here's a little more dramatic cloud photography.
Is this the much-discussed, seldom-glimpsed "Fist of an Angry God"?
Family rescues bunny and introduces him to their dog. The bunny just keeps hopping over him like he's a fallen log.
Lion kitten trying to roar, sounding adorbz.
Swarmed by gigantic parrots.
Tiny puppy is determined to get over big stairs. Not to be missed.
View of a dog park as seen from a camera on a corgi's back.
Dog makes decisions about when/how to jump in hundredths of a second:
On that first jump, he decides he doesn't need to take that last step up the berm, and decides to just skim over it. Neat.
Oh my goodness: