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March 29, 2021
The Morning Report - 3/29/21 [J.J. Sefton]
Good morning, kids. Monday and while the big story is the junta in D.C. effectively erasing our southern border with potentially millions of Latin American peasants, hardly literate in their native tongues let alone English, on track to join the upwards of 30 million who are already here. And I'm not even going to speculate about the number of "fellow travelers" so to speak of the Boulder, CO jihadist (whose motives of course the media and government assure us we may never know [sarc]), who if we're lucky are armed only with guns or an airliner or two, and not suitcase nukes or a few vials of Wuhan No. 5.
While the propagandists reading from Piss-Hockey Psaki's hymnal either cackle "Crisis? What crisis?" or else blame President-in-Exile Trump for the utter human misery and squalor on the Rio Grande, the few actual journalists and even a United States Senator, Ted Cruz, are being barred from the facilities housing the migrant invading hordes and reporting the facts. We all know what the endgame is here: instant citizenship as well as Democrat Party voter registration for millions of destitute people reliant on the government - forever. Funny how the Democrats, and their equally guilty co-conspirators in the GOP-e, have no problems in wiping out whole sectors of our economy (heavy industry, energy production as well as small business via onerous taxation and regulation) and putting millions of actual Americans out of work and on the dole, yet welcome a tidal wave of millions of foreigners who we are told will boost our economy. I don't claim to be a Nobel Prize winning economist, but how when we are in the process of de-industrializing our economy and sending wages plunging and good paying jobs and careers offshore forever does adding millions more to our population competing for jobs that either no longer exist or they lack the skills to do going to create prosperity and growth? Spoiler alert: It won't. It will collapse us into a quivering mass of Cloward and Piven.
For those not aware, the Cloward-Piven Strategy was cooked up in the mid-60s by two crackpot Marxist faculty lounge denizens Richard Cloward and his concubine Frances Fox Piven in which they imagined overwhelming the welfare state with so much debt that in the wake of the chaos caused by the inevitable collapse of our economy and society, the elite (naturally they were looking in the mirror) would rise to lead the Marxist-Leninist socialist utopia; one that never would have had a chance in a prosperous, free market American society. You see, free market capitalism is so false, evil and corrupt that it will eventually collapse in on itself. See: Berlin Wall 1989 and Moscow 1990 as proof. The good news, at least for Cloward, Piven and the psychos on the Left is that in 2021, we are definitely heading at warp speed (no pun) to economic and societal collapse. Yet, as Oscar Wilde once quipped, "There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." What happens after the fall may not turn out as they expect. Not with upwards of 200 million citizens of the nation formerly known as the United States armed to the teeth. And that brings us to the second big story, one that is not merely a news item but an ongoing historical event that we are living through and directly in its crosshairs: the transformation not only into a socialist state but one controlled by a ruthless, totalitarian regime hell bent on crushing anyone who resists.
The key to disarming two thirds of the population is to disrupt and prevent any means of communication and organization. The Enemy Junta has already stolen a national election and in the likely event that this HR-1 "For the People" travesty passes, they will have effectively legalized election rigging forever. Along with the demonization of whites, conservatives, Trump voters, Judeo-Christian and anyone else who supports America as founded, anyone who objects to this new world order is to be labeled as "insurrectionist" and dealt with via one or more of the arms of the hydra that is the State.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is now getting ready to hire public companies, individual contractors outside government, to scour public data and social media in order to provide information for the new "domestic terror watch lists." From the description it appears DHS is going to pay "big tech" (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, etc.), via contracts, to hire and organize internal monitoring teams to assist the government by sending information on citizens they deem "dangerous."
Gee, what could possibly go wrong with this?...
NBC is reporting on these new developments as the U.S. intelligence apparatus is preparing to go live with the assembly of lists of Americans who "could be" potential threats to the government; and need to be watched.
However, even NBC is beginning to realize the consequences:
"DHS planning to expand relationships with companies that scour public data for intelligence and to better harness the vast trove of data it already collects on Americans. The department is also contemplating changes to its terrorist watch listing process."
Expand your thinking to what was initiated with the COVID model for "contact tracing" and you can quickly see how physical proximity to a rogue dissident, a person with wrong thoughts -- aka a domestic extremist, can result in you being labeled along with that dissident... and you are on the list. Then overlay the efforts of Big Tech to assist the administrative state with an electronic trail of your habits, contacts, phone calls, text messages and internet patterns... and you are on the list.
Demonization of political opponents? Rewriting of history to fit a preferred narrative? Staging a Reichstag Fire on January 6th and then declaring the aforementioned "insurrectionsists" and "a threat to our democracy?" If the hairs on the back of your neck are not standing up, then you're lying in state like John McCain.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent "systemic racism" and baseless fears of "white supremacy." This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920's and 30's will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today...
...This list of parallels between the Nazi Party and the American left cannot be ignored. These wannabe autocrats, in a de facto admission, try to obfuscate their adoption of Nazi tactics by shamelessly claiming that it is the American right or conservatives that have embraced the Nazis. Yet the right has not utilized or espoused any Nazi tactics in their quest for political office.
While it goes without saying that I am not insinuating that the American left and the Democrat Party has the objective of imposing worldwide dominance via a horrific world war or emulating the horrors of the Holocaust, it must be acknowledged that there are important commonalities. The manner in which a small fringe far-left socialist party was able to rise to power and how the left in America is emulating it should frighten all Americans.
With deference to the author, Steve McCann, I'll not only insinuate it, I'll outright declare it. If in order to achieve socialist/communist utopian paradise on earth, the Left will kill and kill massively to do it. If you think this bunch of braying jackasses aren't up for it, listen and heed the words of the late Larry Grathwohl who attended a meeting of the Weathermen way back when. A guy named Bill Ayers, who Obama assures us was just some guy who lived down the street from him in Hyde Park, stated that when they seized power, upwards of 25 million "bitter clingers" and "deplorables" who could not or would not get their minds right would have to be "eliminated." I can assure you, that he was not kidding as the Weathermen's and Black Panthers' body count can attest. "By Any Means Necessary" is not just a meaningless slogan. The carnage and destruction visited upon several dozen American cities over the spring and summer of 2020 is proof positive. There is one big-ass hate shake heading our way.
- Victor Davis Hanson: " there grows a strange new ahistorical 'antiracism' racism. One variety encourages holistic hatred, blaming all of one's own unhappiness, indeed all of the cosmic injustice in the manmade and natural world -- the very air, water, and earth -- on a white racial collective."
Is Racism Moral Now?
- "The China-U.S. Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) has paid a consultant nearly $670,000 since 2017 to arrange student visits from the schools to China, as well as to make introductions to members of the Congressional Black Caucus... CIA Director William Burns testified last month that he grew suspicious of CUSEF's activities when he led the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank that had a relationship with the Chinese group."
Chinese Propaganda Group Has Spent Years Cozying Up To Black Colleges
- "Remind yourself what FBI 'contractors' with access to the NSA database already did in their quest for political opposition research and surveillance... Then overlay all of the above and you get an alarming picture that is not something to dispatch."
DHS Preparing to Use Private Contractors to "Scour Public Data and Social Media" To Compile Dissident Citizens for Watch List and No Fly Lists
- "The Founders had faith in the American people. The Democrats, not so much."
If Democrats Ever Get Our Guns, They'll Get Our Freedom, Too
- Piss-Hockey Psaki: "I can't give you an exact time frame in part, because they have to go through a review process, which is something that we do from here."
White House Confirms Biden Will Sign Gun Control Executive Orders
- "I have long believed, as I've told you many times, the place where we ought to be able to get that done is requiring background checks on commercial sales. That's where I know Senator Manchin is."
RINO Fraud Pat Toomey: There is "Common Ground" on Requiring Background Checks
- "Most gun owners aren't lying on background check forms and dumping our firearms willy-nilly in trash cans by schools. Even if we were, none of Biden's anti-gun pipe dreams would stop us."
Mr. So-Called Quote-Unquote "president," Most Gun Owners Aren't as Reckless as Hunter Biden
- "Gun owners realize the threat our Second Amendment and our self-defense laws are facing with a hostile [so-called quote-unquote] 'president' and Congress."
NRA Memberships Spike as Droves of Americans Reject Democrat Gun Control
- "We could hear a man chuckling. Gunshots were close. We believe it was him chuckling."
Report: Boulder Shooter Allegedly Laughed While Killing Innocents
- "Will it be buried with the bodies?"
The Truth About the Boulder Massacre
- "Democrat hopes for show trials a la Stalin's Great Purge are beginning to fade."
The January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump
- "Now that Kalra's legislation has garnered national attention, he appears to be changing course."
California Democrat Changes Bill That Would Have Prohibited Christians, Conservatives From Serving in Law Enforcement
- "Data science has come a long way in developing cross-database searches in the service of identifying voter fraud. The developers of the no-fly list explain how this works."
A No-Fly Voter List? Now There's a Grand Idea!
- "Hate crimes narratives are necessary to keep the eyes of aggrieved members of their respective minority groups on the prize: payback against whites."
Hate Crimes are White Boogeyman Chum
- "Six striking parallels."
The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored
- "If confirmed, former president of the West Virginia Board of Education Gayle Conelly Manchin will act as co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission."
Biden Tries Snagging Swing Sen. Joe Manchin's Loyalty By Picking His Wife For Key Administration Role
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Unlike the Soviet Union, China has no need for the Communist Party USA. The Democrat Party functions as China's wholly owned subsidiary."
PoonFang Pushover Eric Swalwell Still on Intel Committee
- "Because the City, for a long time, had functional, rather than dysfunctional corruption, it got a pass. It shouldn't any longer."
San Francisco's Corrupt Politicians Exposed in a Twitter Thread
* * * * *
- "Trump's Save America PAC has been at odds with its stated purpose from the outset." (part of me could care less since Trump will be hounded forever, but if Trump is knowingly in on this grift, it's an utter betrayal - jjs)
Trump's Millions
- "The Masters is scheduled to be held in Augusta, Georgia, in August. The MLB All-Star Game is scheduled to take place in July. However, several different activist groups are doing their best to prevent either event from taking place after Georgia passed a voter reform law that will make it harder for Democrats to steal elections."
Activists Pressure Georgia to Boycott MLB, PGA After Election Reform Law
- "Just by tightening up its election procedures..."
Georgia Drives Democrats Insane
- "The magnitude of defective cast ballots identified during the Missoula County ballot audit is troubling given the small margins by which local 2020 elections were decided."
A River of Doubt Runs Through Mail Voting in Montana
- "What's really unAmerican is his party's attempt to rewrite election laws across the nation to guarantee Democrat wins."
Biden Unhinged: Calls Attempts to Stop Election Fraud "Sick" and "Un-American"
- "Essentially, H.R. 1 institutionalizes election theft. Some may wonder why such theft needs to be institutionalized."
The States Must Resist the Federal Takeover of Elections
- "Collins on Thursday defended her vote to convict Trump as 'impartial justice.'"
Maine Republican Party Rejects Censure of Sen. Susan Collins for Vote to Impeach Trump
- "The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) used the hundreds of millions of dollars from the Facebook founder's organization to overrule local election officials and increase turnout in -- almost exclusively -- Democrat districts."
Zuckerberg's Election Rigging Group Sends VP to be Biden's Tech Director
- "After Thursday's presser, Biden's staff owes American citizens some real answers."
Joe Biden Clearly Isn't Running the Show
- "He called on 'correspondents' too deferential to challenge him."
Biden's Lie-Filled Press Conference
- "America's adversaries are laughing, and our border is in disrepair -- but the Biden-Harris White House wants you to work on yourself first."
On Day 60, Biden's White House Said, "Forget About the Border, Work on Your Racism!"
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Profiles in presidential puppetry."
Biden: A Captive to His Handlers
- "Nancy Pelosi maintained that the speaker has the unilateral authority to choose whether members who win their races are seated."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi On Trying To Steal Iowa House Seat: I Am the House
- "As Democrats contest Iowa race, there's a slush fund they can draw on."
House Democrats Can Use Taxpayer Money to Overturn an Election
- "White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday the Biden [junta] stands by House Democrats' effort to overturn the results of an Iowa House race."
Piss-Hockey Psaki Says White House Agrees With Malig-Nancy Pelosi's Effort To Steal Iowa House Seat
- "I keep asking myself, 'Will the real Chuck Schumer please stand up?' Is it the one who was for the filibuster or is it the new one who is now against filibuster?"
Senator Tim Scott: Biden and the Dems Are Flip-Flopping on Filibuster While Using Race as "Scare Tactic"
- "Senate Republicans should adopt their own Duckworth-Hirano rule to show Joe Biden that white Protestants should still be able to participate in the government."
Here's a Modest Proposal for Handling Biden's Nominees
- "They decry her unwillingness to fight transgenderism."
Kristi Noem Loses Religious Conservatives
* * * * *
- "The people have the right to disfavor their representatives if they fail at their job."
Related: Cancel the "Cancel Culture" Defense of Terrible Republicans
- Margot Cleveland: "While Gov. Kristi Noem understandably prefers to avoid facing the economic brunt of a showdown with the NCAA, if she led, others would follow. That is what conservatives want."
The Worst Thing About Kristi Noem's Sports Capitulation is Her Lies
- "Democrats have been destroying Black American cities for two generations, and now are escorting an invasion that would forfeit a nation."
The Democrats' War on Black Americans
- "Conservatives and libertarians must both check their pride to work toward a new fusionism. Their common ground begins with humility." (libertarianism seems to be a crock to me - jjs)
Humility is Where Conservatives and Libertarians Can Still Find Fusion
- "A fair and reasonable alternative to D.C. statehood."
Taxation with Representation
- "Why did so many people vote for Joe Biden?" (actual legitimate votes and not from Dao-Min Yen - jjs)
But At Least He's Not Trump!
- "While the question seems to be rhetorical, there is a pretty strange theory about Durham that's making the rounds."
Trump Asks Whether John Durham Actually Exists
- "We have lived in the 'calm before the storm' for years and to this day it remains calm. There are no storm clouds building, nothing on the horizon."
No Storm, No Reckoning, No Nothing
- If you're not alarmed by this or think it's just a temporary thing for "our safety," you're not paying attention. This is population control, straight up.
Biden Junta Working on Vaccine Passports That "Could Display a Scannable Code Similar to an Airline Boarding Pass": Report
- "Molecular biologist Dr. Richard Elbright insisted that World Health Organization [Chinese] COVID-19 investigators -- especially Peter Daszak -- were 'participants in disinformation' on their recent mission to China to uncover the origin of the virus."
Award-Winning Biologist Slams Peter Daszak and WHO Chinese COVID Colleagues for Peddling Chinese Communist Party "Disinformation"
- Wayne Allyn Root: "As usual, leftist ideas fail miserably."
Why Isn't Everyone in Florida Dead or in the Hospital?
- It's fear porn, top to bottom, left to right.
"Dr. Sigmoid Fraud" Fauci: Pulling Back on Masks, Distancing "Premature" -- New Chinese Coronavirus Cases Remain High
- "It's hard to believe that Fauci has the chutzpah to make his latest claim about fighting the Wuhan virus."
Fauci Joins the Democrat Push to Erase Trump from the Nation's Memory
- Thomas B. Talbot, MD: "We've learned a lot about this disease and there is reason to be calm."
Good News on the Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic
- "As it turns out, we don't hear much about the dirty little secret that obesity easily killed as many people as mask avoidance -- perhaps more."
The Politically Incorrect Secret That May Have Led to Thousands of Chinese COVID Deaths
- Quick! Somebody invent another fake plague!
Americans Are Becoming More Comfortable In Public Spaces, Traveling, Poll Finds
- "Will the Mask Nags' meddlesome reign ever be over?" (evidently not - jjs)
Mask-Nagging Has Given a Free Pass to Passive Aggressive Sociopaths
- "The bill's $1400 individual stimulus relief is barely in Americans' bank accounts but the Biden administration says it wants further stimulus payments, as well as increased funding for healthcare and education -- two industries that received major handouts in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021."
Piss-Hockey Psaki: Biden Admin Preparing Another Chinese COVID Relief Bill Despite Passing Trillion Dollar Aid Package
- But keep the kids out of school, the economy strangled and teachers on full salary.
CDC: 0.04% of Chinese COVID-19 Deaths Are in Children 17 and Under
- "This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion," said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. "I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before."
So-Called Quote-Unquote "VP" Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden
- "The inflow will generate billions of dollars in smuggling revenue for coyotes and for the drug-smuggling cartels that control access to the U.S. border -- and plus many billions in extra revenue and profits for U.S. companies."
Biden Border Crisis Exploding: DHS Readies Welcome for 800,000
Family Migrants"
- "While Cruz was trying to film at the Border Patrol facility in Donna, Texas, the staffer blocking his camera said, 'Please give dignity to the people. Please give dignity to the people.'"
WATCH: Alleged Biden Official Tries To Block Ted Cruz From Taking Photos Inside CBP Facility
- "They're going to destroy our country."
Trump To Visit Southern Border In Next Couple Weeks Amid Biden's Border Crisis
- He should have said Hunter Biden.
Kennedy: Putting Kamala Harris in Charge of Border Crisis Like Making Lance Armstrong Drug Czar
- "You are being less transparent than the Trump administration."
Hack Chris Wallace Presses Piss-Hockey Psaki on Border Facility Access
- "Kind of amazing when you think about it."
Parallels Between Biden's Border Policy and Angel of Death Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal
- "Truth ought still to be the most important thing in our lives and our politics, but truth is not advanced by assertions taken out of context to affirm a narrative."
The "Pathetic" Genesis of a Fake News Story
- "Vaccine passports just one part of controlling citizens' lives."
Bloomberg Editorial Board Acts as Propaganda Arm of "Great Reset" Plan
- "Allegiance to CRT pledged after Deputy Editor committed thought crime of saying: 'Structural racism is an unfortunate term. Personally, I think taking racism out of the conversation will help. Many of us are offended by the concept that we are racist.'"
Journal of American Medical Association Embraces "Structural Racism" Dogma, Succumbing to Critical Race Activism
- "The Metropolitan Police Department declared in a press release Wednesday the two girls were charged with felony murder and armed carjacking."
XiNN Describes Horrific Murder of UberEats Driver as an "Accident"
- "Vaccine passports just one part of controlling citizens' lives."
Bloomberg Editorial Board Acts as Propaganda Arm of "Great Reset" Plan
- "In an age when Americans have grown used to casually shrugging away their freedoms at the whim of TV pundits, this kind of propaganda is seriously dangerous."
When the Powerful Say Truth is a Lie and Lies Are the Truth, No One Will Stand Up for America But You
- Michelle Malkin: "The case of professional character assassin Talia Lavin."
MSNBC's Serial Smear Merchant
- "Because Parler is not in the pocket of the Democrats, like Facebook and Twitter (and apparently the FBI), it and anyone linked to it is now a target for destruction. Look for more such attacks from the left, all aimed at discrediting and blackballing the company, all using this variation of the well-known McCarthy-era question: 'Are you now or have you ever been a supporter or user of Parler?'"
Today's Blacklisted Americans: Democrats Go After Parler and its Investors
- "The Sino-Persian pact, with a significant military component, set to change power balance in the Middle East and beyond." (but at least we'll have no more mean tweets - jjs)
Chinese Foreign Minister Visits Iran to Sign $400 Billion Economic, Military Pact
- "With tensions rising in the region and pressure building on Joe Biden to confront Iran over their nuclear program, it's a distinct possibility that the war at sea between Iran and Israel could expand quickly. Iran's unpredictability makes a general war more likely as time passes."
Iranian Missile Hits Israeli Cargo Ship in the Arabian Sea
- "A disturbing glance at Biden's boosting of Palestinian oppressive, jihadist institutions."
The Biden Junta is Determined to Undo Trump's Most Important Achievement
- "He continues a radical transformation of the Democrat Party's views on Israel."
Biden Peddles Obama's Sham Vision of the Middle East
- "[Junta] has yet to take on Chinese human rights abuses in Tibet."
Pressure Grows on Biden to Act on Crisis in Tibet
- "Beijing wages all-out campaign to sow chaos and discord in the US."
Beijing Wages All-Out Campaign to sow Chaos and Discord in the US
- "Weakness is toxic in dealing with the Chinese, as I observed when I first arrived to work as a Vice President and professor in one of the 67 universities in Wuhan, Zhejiang Province."
What You Shouldn't Forget About China
- "Chinese diplomats' actions at last week's summit in Alaska suggest that Xi Jinping will treat the Biden [junta] like Obama 2.0."
Beijing's Wolf Warriors in Alaska
- "He got a name wrong; he implicitly questioned the status of an elected U.S. ally who is Afghanistan's head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces; and he corrected himself on 'if"'troops leave to 'when we leave.'"
On Afghanistan, Biden Makes Three Gaffes in 30 Seconds
- "On June 2, 2020, Torres-Estrada posted a side-by-side photo on Facebook of Trump and Hitler, both holding Bibles."
Defense Department Hires a "Diversity and Inclusion" Officer Who Compared Trump to Hitler
- "Despite two decades of nonfeasance, the Defense Department remains inexplicably committed to a program that has an estimated price tag as large as the latest [Chinese] COVID-19 spending bill."
Is the F-35 Jet Fighter Worth the Money?
- "There are AI-assisted weapons already in use, but they still require a human operator to confirm targets and order the kill. That is changing."
Inside the Global Race to Build Killer Robot Armies
- "No deaths were reported besides the attackers. The injured include church workers and worshipers."
Muslim Koran-ikaze Bombers Attack Catholic Church In Indonesia On Palm Sunday
- Robert Spencer: "They can relax. That's absolutely the last thing on the Pontiff's mind."
ISIS Accuses Woke Pope of Trying to Start a Crusade
- "Demand Justice's campaign comes as Democratic senators, led by Sen. Sheldon Wh[or]ehouse (D., R.I.), have increased their attacks on conservative nonprofits that attempt to influence the judicial process. Demand Justice, which is part of the left-wing dark money network managed by the D.C.-based Arabella Advisors, does not disclose its funders."
Eyeing Supreme Court Vacancy, Left-Wing Dark Money Group Pushes Ketanji Brown Jackson for Top Appeals Court
- "Author Grace Olmstead on why betting the farm on Big Ag is a bad idea."
A Conservative's Crusade to Save America's Soil
- "Vermont's newly-arrived "social justice warriors" are the ultimate colonizers and capitalist opportunists."
Proposed Vermont Statue Perverts History
- "On August 1, the debt limit will reset at its new level, likely north of $28 trillion, at which point the Treasury Department will use extraordinary measures to remain below the new limit."
Will Democrats Hold the Debt Limit Hostage for Even More Spending?
- "Joe Biden's economic policies will see the stock market decline sharply in six months, unemployment rise, and will do little besides growing the administrative state."
Bidenomics Is the 21st-Century Road to Serfdom
- "A mass of rock underneath the ship's bow has made freeing the ship difficult. Dredgers shifted more than 950,000 cubic feet of sand and dug down nearly 60 feet. The blockage caused delays to at least 369 boats, which lined up in a massive traffic jam waiting to pass through the canal, which handles up to 15 percent of world trade."
Massive Cargo Ship Ever Given Re-Floated After Blocking Suez Canal for Six Days
- "So how much is the life of a 13-year-old orphan worth to California's far-left criminal-justice 'reform' legislators?"
California Sentences Two Killers of a 13-Year-Old to... Anger Management Therapy
- "Left-wing D.A. candidates, and the philosophy [Nazi collaborator and convicted felon] George Soros and other progressives intend to bring to the office, are finally getting the scrutiny they deserve."
Movement Grows to Recall Progressive District Attorneys (these to be outlawed as "insurrection" in 5-4-3-2... - jjs)
- "Baltimore, already a very unpleasant place to live, is about to get worse. When mayors don't care about the 'quality of life' issues like public urination and prostitution, they invite behaviors that make the city unlivable."
Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute Drug Possession, Prostitution, and Other 'Low-Level' Crimes
- "...just days after Mohammed Anwar was killed in a fatal carjacking that went viral on social media."
"Horrible Timing": D.C. Mayor Calls Auto Theft "Crime of Opportunity" Amid Skyrocketing Carjacking Rates, Meets With Immediate Backlash
- "Naturally, many women are outraged at the Minnesota Supreme Court."
Minnesota Supreme Court Overturns Rape Conviction Because the Woman Willingly Drank Alcohol
- "The city council's new reform package offers little hope of getting crime under control."
From Bad to Worse in New York
- Lockdowns 4-evah!!: "Cardona said the rate of [Chinese] COVID-19 transmission in a community would play a role in determining whether K-12 students will receive face-to-face instruction."
Education Secretary: It's Too Soon to Say If Schools Can Reopen by Fall
- "Mulgrew, the UFT boss, described the new CDC guidelines as 'strange.' What's strange -- and enraging -- is how unions refuse to accept the scientific evidence in their determination to avoid, you know, working."
When Did New York Elect its Teachers Union Boss Supreme Leader?
- "By forbidding Meriwether from describing his views on gender identity even in his syllabus, Shawnee State silenced a viewpoint that could have catalyzed a robust and insightful in-class discussion."
Professor Who Refused To Obey "Preferred Pronouns" Can Continue Lawsuit, Appeals Court Rules
- "The nation's wealthiest liberal donors use Arabella [Advisers]'s $731 million activist network to secretly fund a host of liberal causes."
Liberal Dark Money Network is Behind "Grassroots" Support for Dem Climate Bill
- "Joe Biden's pick to lead NASA has a long history of supporting boondoggles and opposing innovation."
Will Senator "Ballast" Drag NASA Down?
- Our intrepid science reporter with tantalizing SMOD news: "The data obtained has firmly removed any chance Apophis will impact the Earth in the next 100 years. However, it still could hit us late in the 22nd century. These observations were originally planned to also include data from the Arecibo Observatory, but that telescope was destroyed in December when its instrument platform collapsed. If it had been operational, these radar images would have had much better resolution."
Radar Images of Apophis During its March Close Approach of Earth
- "I signed the bill to preserve women's athletics and ensure fair competition."
"Fair Competition": Tennessee Governor Signs Bill Requiring Student Athletes Compete Based on Biological Sex
- "Robert Hoogland's arrest has garnered significant attention, nationally and internationally. Canada's version of the Equality Act has put him in jail for saying what he thinks about transgendering children."
Canadian Father Jailed For Talking About Court-Ordered Transgendering of His Teenage Daughter
- "If female athletes can't enhance their physical performances to match biological males' inherent advantages, what's the point of it all?"
If Women Compete Against Men in Sports, Don't We Have to Let Women Juice?
- "Savage tribalism reigns in much of the world and it can reign here too if the Declaration is not restored to its central place in the American social fabric."
"CRT" Means "Compounding Racial Tension"
- "Bigger than Dr. Suess."
Republican Rep. Introduces "Grinch Act"to Safeguard Children's Books From Cancel Culture
- "Nike did not release nor design these shoes." (societal degeneracy brought to you by The Great Society - jjs)
Nike Responds After Lil Nas X "Satan Shoes" Spark Backlash
- "The Left keeps selling the same 'progressive' ideas simply to justify its existence. No, thanks."
To Hell With Reformers -- You Can't Change the World
- "In a culture where biological sex is taboo, romance must be canceled."
Hollywoke's Grim Fairy Tales: No Sex or Romance Allowed
- Christian Toto: "The far-left comic brushed aside the 2014 Cancel Colbert Twitter hashtag campaign."
Could Colbert Survive His "Racist" Asian Jokes Today?
- "It's difficult to believe that this story is real but it seems to be."
Oxford University Wants to Cancel Musical Notation
- "The former institutions that we have depended on for years to hold back the tides of oppressive Big Government are reeling under attack from a Transnational Progressive movement."
The Seventh Crisis and the Millennials
- Roger Kimball: "One of the most trenchant critics and historians of American culture died more than 25 years ago. What do his writings tell us about the present crisis? Turns out, quite a lot."
Christopher Lasch vs. the Elites of Our Time
- "As Jews celebrate Passover, the world's approach to the [Chinese] COVID pandemic has taken on ominous undertones."
Learning the Lessons of Jewish History
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by Open Blogger at 07:54 AM
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