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March 28, 2021

The Watering Down Of Tradition Is A Powerful Tool Of The Progressive Movement

From "Merry Christmas" to "Happy Holidays" seems like a small step, but it is a hugely significant one. The step from a clear recognition of a religious holiday for Christians has morphed into a generic salutation that is, on the face of it, intended to be more inclusive, but in reality is dismissive of 2,000 years of Christian faith and practice. Easter is no longer the celebration of Christ's resurrection; it is Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies and an excuse for employee-pricing sales at the local car dealership.

What is even worse is when the destruction of tradition comes from within. Last night was the first night of Passover, a hugely important Jewish holiday that traces its origins to the first century and Rabbi Gamaleiel II. Passover is at its simplest a time to remember 400 years of slavery at the hands of the Egyptian Pharaohs and our freeing from bondage by God.

Our freedom from bondage. Not Gypsies or Incas or Senegalese Muslims or Australian Aborigines or Huguenots. While there is room for the extrapolation of the Passover message of a desire for freedom to others, that is not its intended purpose. But there is a powerful faction within Judaism that wants to do exactly that, morph Judaism into some sort of universalist pablum fit for consumption everywhere.

Of course that leads ultimately to the destruction of Judaism as a religion, and the destruction of Jews as a people.

This quotation, from a rather disjointed and, frankly crappy Haggadah* (a written guide for the Seder) demonstrates it rather concisely.

On this Seder night we remember with tenderness the millions of our own people, and those of all nationalities and faiths, who only yesterday were mercilessly crushed by a tyrant more wicked than the Pharaoh who enslaved our fathers in Egypt. The blameless and the pure -- men, women, children -- did they annihilate in chambers of fire, factories of death. [Emphasis mine]
Of course we should recognize that Jewish suffering is not unique among nations, but the Holocaust was in fact unique, and extrapolating it to others does a disservice to all.

The Seder is a Jewish religious service. There is nothing untoward or disrespectful to recognize that and keep its focus on Judaism and the Jewish people. By including others in the recognition of the suffering of the past, the writers of this paragraph seek to expand Judaism into some twisted understanding of "Tikkun Olam," which is the Jewish concept of improving the world, but has been twisted by the progressives within Judaism to mean whatever they wish it to mean, as long as it waters down tradition and weakens the 3,000 year old bonds that have kept Judaism and Jews alive, against all nations and all odds.

They are globalists, and they seek to create one world, one mushy and watered down religion, and not a smidgen of individuality among its people.

* I am in the process of writing my own, thanks to a suggestion from our departed commenter (and friend) ibguy.

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posted by CBD at 12:00 PM

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