� The Watering Down Of Tradition Is A Powerful Tool Of The Progressive Movement |
Food Thread: Bacon And Chocolate And Bacon And Chocolate! �
March 28, 2021
First-World Problems...Part 912
Well, it just seems like this shit-show has been going on forever. The combination of the Wuhan Flu fiasco (I like calling it the CCP Flu as well), the left-wing riots, and the corporate shift to full-on progressivism has conspired to realign my priorities.
I am much more willing to take my money elsewhere, and have decreased my use of Amazon by a significant amount. I am spending more of my money in locally owned establishments that do not wear their owners' politics on their sleeves. In fact, I have walked past stores with BLM signs or other rubbish displayed in their windows even if they are the most convenient choices.
But the first-world problem for today is the destruction of a century-old tradition in America: Baseball. I am not the only one who looks at the beginning of the regular season with a combination of a yawn and a "gee, I really haven't given it much thought." What a sad state of affairs that America's grand old game has so thoroughly alienated so many of its fans by catering to a small segment of society that very obviously has no interest in baseball other than as an institution that can be killed, gutted and worn as a skin suit.
But they managed to do something that I would never have predicted; they made me not care about baseball. So what am I going to do with all of my free time? Will I actually have to talk to my wife?