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March 18, 2021
Rand Paul: "Welcome to Day Three Hundred Sixty Seven of 'Fifteen Days to Flatten the Curve'"
He also accused Anthony Fauci of promoting health "theater" by demanding that those already immune to covid, either through vaccine or from prior infection, continue wearing masks.
Fauci says "I totally disagree with you," continuing to insist on two contradictory points: 1, we must all get vaccinated but 2, vaccination doesn't do anything and we should continue behaving post-vaccination as we did pre-vaccination.
And after that, an important thread that points out that John Hopkins University did a study in 2019 that found that lockdowns and masking were not effective in limiting the spread of an epidemic.
In the below, "NPI" stands for "Nonpharmaceutical Interventions," i.e., methods of stopping an epidemic that aren't vaccines and other medicines. In other words, social distancing, lockdowns, masking, Karen Facsism, etc.