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October 13, 2020
The Morning Report - 10/13/20
Good morning, kids. Tuesday and there are a number of things happening other than the opening day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing. Since they do comprise the bulk of the links let's get this topic out of the way. I say that because I'm sick to freaking death of these things insofar as they're predictable as well as an horrific injustice to the nominee. Since the Robert Bork debacle (and maybe earlier though I can't recall), every Republican nominee for a vacancy on the Supreme Court has been subjected to varying degrees of the most vicious lies, smears and character assassinations in order to strong-arm either the GOP Senators to abandon him or her or to have the nominee withdraw from consideration. It's not coincidental either that the degree to which a nominee is put through hell in front of a national television audience is in direct proportion to his or her judicial philosophy.
The reason is simple: Even as seemingly far gone, from a cultural and societal standpoint, as the nation appears to be, a clear (if not overwhelming) majority of Americans would still never support the majority of the Leftist-Democrat agenda. From the so-called "social issues" to issues central to the Bill of Rights, in all but the bluest of blue states, Democrats could never win an election by openly and honestly running on that platform. They rely on both the unelected fourth branch of government - the bureaucracy - to issue regulations that have the force of law and when ultimately challenged in the court, a cadre of judges to carve them in stone for all time, no matter how blatantly unconstitutional they might be.
Judge Barrett herself stated as such, though much more eloquently than I just did:
Courts have a vital responsibility to the rule of law, which is critical to a free society. But courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in the public life.
The policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by the political branches elected by and accountable to the People. The public should not expect courts to do so, and courts should not try.
Those two statements right there were like dropping 50,000 gallons of holy water from an aerial firefighting supertanker on Pazuzu. And considering that the Left are indeed G-dless heathens, that's not just a metaphor.
Believing they are "brights" who always "follow the science," they dismiss spiritual reality and favor the very unscientific idea that all reality, including human beings, is material, and hence amenable to technocratic manipulation. Those who believe otherwise are scorned as irrational and superstitious, and so cannot be trusted to act professionally rather than in service to their "loud dogma."
The great irony is that modernity's greatest crimes did not come from Jewish or Christian doctrine. It wasn't traditional Jewish or Christian doctrine, for example, that created "scientific racism" and its practical application, eugenics, which influenced Nazi race-laws and the justifying arguments for the "final solution." Indeed, one of the Supreme Court's sorriest moments came with the 1927 decision Buck v. Bell, which legitimized forced sterilization in order to keep lesser breeds from reproducing. The vote was 8-1.
The dissenter was Pierce Butler, a Catholic.
The central tenet of the Democrat Party is a vast, centralized, all-powerful state that grants or takes away an individual's rights as it deems fit. This is known in the trade as "tyranny." The seating of Amy Coney Barrett would most certainly challenge if not seriously impede that for decades to come -- at least if President Trump prevails three weeks from today (wow).
So now, knowing full well that to attempt to slime Judge Barrett or parade a gaggle of liars and frauds with some phony Balsey-Ford 2: Rape-Train Boogaloo smear would be ill-advised given how close we are to an election and that the public more than likely will not swallow it, the Democrat freaks and geeks posing as Senators are using the opportunity to trash President Trump, claim that Barrett's confirmation will lead to the equivalent of mass death and also bastardize (yet again) the language and claim that Trump is "packing the court."
No, fuckers. Trump is seating a justice as is his right and his Constitutional duty to do. He's fulfilling a campaign promise he made four years ago to restore sanity to the judiciary by seating judges who will uphold the Constitution, not figure out ways to go around it in order to use it as a Democrat "insurance policy" (nudge-nudge wink-wink). Of all the things that aggravate me about the Left, the worst is their Orwellian bastardization of language and their claiming the mantle of being the just and righteous when everything that they have ever done or said proves just the opposite. At least with the election of Trump, I think more and more people are wise to this.
In any case, the Democrats have no one else to blame but themselves. Specifically Harry Reid and the late Ruth Bader-Meinhoff. Both were so cocksure that Hillary would win that the former blew up the filibuster in order to pack the DC Circuit, thinking once she was in, McConnell and the GOP would be neutered forever and the latter for insisting on retiring when she could see her replacement - think Kamala Harris or even Letitia James or Kim Foxx - sworn in by Hillary. How'd that work out for you, Dems?
And please, spare me the Merrick Garland tripe. There is no rule that states a President cannot seat a justice in an election year. Garland was resisted because the Senate and the President were from opposing parties. The principle of advise and consent clearly shows that Donald Trump is absolutely and unequivocally within his right to seat the nominee of his choosing up until noon on January 20th 2025. In other words, LOL-GF. It goes beyond being sore losers; these people truly feel as if they are entitled to lord over us. That's why we got the Clinton/Obama soft coup. That's why we have rioting and insurrection in the streets. That's why we have lockdowns and religious persecution on the pretext of a non-existent medical emergency. This is dangerous. But, at least all of this is out in the open for anyone with eyes to see, and a mind to reason. And you can thank the election of Donald Trump four years ago for forcing them to reveal themselves, and especially the prospect of his re-election.
As an aside, if Cuck Schemer wants to play games by preventing a quorum, then Graham and Grassley should just enter Judge Barrett's Senate testimony from her confirmation hearing three years ago for her 7th Circuit seat, deem her having passed the committee and move for an up or down vote in the Senate. Now.
* * * * *
Speaking of which, this is not surprising but it is nevertheless alarming:
An organization of radical left-wing activists has posted an online guide to "disruption" that outlines a plan to shut down the country and force President Donald Trump from power in the event that the 2020 election is too close to call.
The guide, "Stopping the Coup," available as a Google doc, is being circulated by a group called ShutDownDC. It casts its plan for disruption as a response to an imagined "coup" by the president in the case of a close election.
In an email promoting the guide, ShutDownDC declares: "Preventing Donald Trump from stealing the election and remaining in office is likely to take mass, sustained disruptive movements all over the country." The guide is a manual to that "disruption."
Parts of the guide are committed to ensuring a "fair election." Parts of it, however, read like a manual for staging a coup rather than a guide to preventing one:
In the context of a coup or highly contested election we need to be clear that our actions must directly affect the structures and pillars of power. Our largest asset in this regard utilizes the ideas of non-compliance through massive, broad based direct action. Where we can, we need to be in the streets, on the highways, or at the sites of power and power holders. In our jobs and lives we must refuse to allow those taking control the legitimacy of the power they seek through strikes, slowdowns, and boycotts, and public refusal to accept an illegitimate ruling party.
Another section urges activists to stop American life from continuing if the election does not go their way (original emphasis):
In order to really win we will need to force some pillars of power (business, military, media, or other major institutions) to decide to side with the people, or at least get out of the way. If everyday life goes on, a despot will not leave power, and so there will be no incentive for real systems change. You want to think about what it might take to stop business-as-usual.
Well, now, isn't that special? One wonders if the DOJ and FBI are aware of this and have some sort of contingency plan to deal with this? Better yet, if they would preemptively disrupt the organizers and funders of this? My guess is they are too busy trying to find that vast network of "white supremacists" like the ones that plotted to kidnap Michigan Gauleiter Wretched Whitmer. Oh wait, they were Trump-hating anarchists? Never mind.
Then again, maybe we need to look further afield for the source of all or much of this:
Although the United States is not a [China Belt and Road Initiative] member, what's becoming more exposed through daily revelations is China's sub-rosa investment, insurgent involvement, and planned takeover of America's institutions and business sectors, including academia, entertainment, finance, agriculture and others.
What is less well understood and still remains largely obscured is China's role in funding, organizing, and supporting anti-American groups responsible for the riots, looting, violence, and property destruction that have occurred over the last few months. What is becoming ever clearer, though, is that China had a central role in providing the financial support, structural assistance, ideological manifestos, and mass and social media propaganda tools to America-hating radicals who are intent on destroying this nation and its people's way of life.
The Chinese Virus; I do not think it is what others think it is...
- The guide also suggests that activists will continue their "disruption" regardless of who wins the election: "We're absolutely not saying the election is useless, but rather the reactivity of the right and the white supremecist [sic] will be present no matter who wins."
READ: Left-wing Radicals Post Online Guide to "Disrupting" the Country if Election is Close
- "To all those who think this election is all about presidential character, don't say you weren't warned."
Beyond Court Packing: Here's How Dems Plan to Create a One-Party State
- Daniel Greenfield: "Like Black Lives Matter riots, Muslim mobs don't spread the virus."
While Angel-of-Death Cuomo Targets Orthodox Jews, Muslim Mass Gatherings Go On
- "The world's most powerful leftists don't exactly make it difficult to believe such conspiracy theories."
Why Some People Take Q-Anon's Pedophilia Allegations Seriously
- "I believe Americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written."
Judge Amy Coney Barrett: "I Believe in the Rule of Law, Place of the Supreme Court in Our Nation"
- "Judge Amy Coney Barrett stands strong."
Dems Make Losing Arguments Against a Judicial Star
- "This committee isn't in the business of deciding whether the dogma lives too loudly within someone. This committee isn't in the business of deciding which religious beliefs are good and which religious beliefs are bad and which religious beliefs are weird."
Hawley, Sasse Unleash on Harris, Democrats, Media for Treatment of Barrett
- "It was all cover for the gripe Democrats don't dare make publicly: that Barrett won't be an activist justice seeking to read liberals' wish lists into the Constitution."
Democrats Don't Dare Say Why They Oppose Judge Barrett, So They Lie Instead
- "Democratic senators view the Court as a super-legislature, as a policy-making body... Who in their right mind would want the United States of America ruled by five unelected lawyers wearing black robes?"
Ted Cruz "To Date of Every Democrat Who's Spoken, We've Heard Virtually Not a Single Word About Judge Barrett"
- "The nominee sat wearing a black mask, and looked like the prisoner in a hostage film, as senator after senator talked not so much to her but at or past her. Let's hope the mask protects against drivel as well as [Chinese] coronavirus."
Amy Coney Barrett Hearing Was a Hostage Video
- "The decision to hold this hearing now is reckless and places facility workers, janitorial staff, and professional aides, and Capitol Police at risk."
Kamala Harris Skips Amy Coney Barrett Hearing Citing Chinese Coronavirus While Attending Numerous Indoor Events
- "Feinstein also previewed that these hearing will be full of emotional, albeit questionable, stories."
Dianne Feinstein Opens Barrett Hearings With a Great Big Whopper About Preexisting Conditions
- Enter her testimony from her confirmation hearing for the 7th Circuit and then just go directly to the Senate for an up or down vote.
Cuck Schemer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum
- "Although he seemed pleased with his criticism, Leahy quickly met with resistance online. Leaders of conservative women's organizations were quick to point out that Leahy was accusing Barrett of turning back the clock on women's rights while ignoring that she is a successful jurist and mother of seven."
Reeking Coprolite Patrick Leahy Tells Amy Coney Barrett That Her Confirmation To SCOTUS Would Be "Harmful" To Women
- "You have been nominated by a president who shows contempt for the Constitution... You cannot feel good about a president cheapening this historic moment."
James Hodgkinson-Linked Durbin Parades Pictures of Kids at Barrett Hearing to Attack Republicans
- "Joe does have a way with words."
Coons Dismisses Biden's Criticism of Court Packing
- "Supreme Court nominee has a history of criticizing the chief justice's approach to precedent."
In Barrett, the Chief Justice Has a Critic
- "By the Monday beginning of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrats had successfully redefined the term 'court packing' in their own circles to mean something more like any politicized action surrounding federal courts aside from expanding it."
Democrats Change Definition of "Court Packing" Amid Criticism
- "What we are witnessing is the toxic fallout of nearly two centuries of secularization."
The SCOTUS Front in the War on Faith
- "I ran as a proud Democrat for vice president and I'm running as a proud Democrat for president." He did not correct the previous phrase about presently running for Senate, nor did he give any indication that he noticed a contradiction to reconcile between the two statements.
Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He Is Running for Senate and President
- "Three gaffes today. He said, for the second time this year, he's a Democratic candidate for the Senate."
Biden Forgets Romney's Name, Refers to Him as "The Senator Who is a Mormon"
- "Bands of shoplifters are terrorizing SoHo's high-end boutiques, lifting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of designer merchandise, and in some cases, threatening security guards to keep quiet -- or be labeled racist."
NYC's High End Boutiques Still Rocked By Weekly "Waves" of Looting
- "Her chances at reelection seem about as good as her chances of collecting on those fines of hers."
Feds to Portland: Take Your Fine and Shove It
- "Who the fuck do you think we are?!" (cancer that should be eradicated - jjs)
Kansas City Attorney/Activist Threatens Local Police and Their Families: "We Know Where Y'all Live"
- Howard Safir: "It's the Democratic cities who have basically ceded their cities to what got called 'peaceful protesters' but are really people who are vandals and looters, and in some cases, not only assault people but are murderers."
Former NYPD Commissioner: Democrats Gave Their Cities to Domestic Terrorists (well, Democrats always have been domestic terrorists - jjs)
- "After the rally, a person on the BLM and Antifa side went up to him said a few nasty words then shot him in the head. He was murdered because he backed the police."
Mother of Slain "Right-Wing" Protester: "He Was Murdered Because He Backed the Police"
- "Even while it expands its economic and military reach abroad, China is stealthily funding and organizing riots and civil unrest in America."
How China Funds and Organizes Riots and Civil Unrest in America
- Why has this hack not been shit-canned?
Gina Haspel Blows Off Senators' Demands To Quit Stonewalling Congress On Russiagate Oversight
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Former FBI counterintelligence expert Frank Figliuzzi demonstrates why FBI doesn't stand for 'fidelity, bravery, and integrity.'"
Trump "Can't Happen Again" Says Former FBI Official
- "The shooting victim has been identified as Lee Keltner, a 49-year-old U.S. Navy veteran who operated a hat-making business in the Denver area. Keltner died at a nearby hospital."
KUSA Security Guard Who Shot Trump Supporter in Denver Was a Rabid Lefty With No Valid Security License
- "Coups historically begin with the plotters seizing the means of communication. By 2016, the major media had long since been seized."
The Week Washington Went Third World
- "Reports from the special counsel's office and Justice Department inspector general ultimately debunked Steele's most explosive allegation: that the Trump campaign was engaged in a 'well-developed conspiracy of cooperation' with the Russian government."
Declassified FBI Spreadsheet Shows How Investigators Tried to Verify Steele Dossier
- "This comprehensive data, in concert with the CDC's guidelines for removal of transmission-based precautions, have informed our medical team's assessment that the President is not infectious to others."
Trump Tests Negative For Chinese Coronavirus On Consecutive Days, No Longer "Infectious To Others," WH Doctor Says
- "The H1N1 hits, and another thing you don't see talked about... they didn't shut down the border from Mexico. So, there's no surprise Joe Biden opposed us shutting down travel from China. So H1N1 hits in spring 2009, their first year in office, and I'll just quote Ron Klain , his chief of staff, who said, 'we did every possible thing wrong.'"
VP Pence: After 60 Million Infected with Swine Flu on His Watch, "We Can't Trust Joe Biden to Deal with the Pandemic"
- "The company said illnesses are expected in large studies, and that they 'can reasonably' expect more participants to show illness symptoms."
Johnson & Johnson Pauses Vaccine Trial After "Unexplained Illness" Strikes Participant
- "We believe Senate Republicans are not what's blocking this. It is Democrats."
White House Introduces $1.8 Trillion Updated Chinese Coronavirus Relief Bill, Says Republicans Will Eventually "Come Along"
- "Odds are, the growing public opposition to the lockdowns, and news of a return to normal in places like Sweden, made WHO's support for the measures untenable."
Lockdown Reversal Shows That When Science Conflicts With Politics, WHO Chooses Politics
- "The legislature can end the state of emergency at anytime, but so far, it has declined to do so," the judge noted of the Republican-controlled body.
Judge Sides With WI Gov. Tony Evers in Mask Mandate: Report
- "Over 70% of the case-patients who were contaminated with the virus fell ill despite 'always' wearing a mask."
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority of People Getting Chinese Coronavirus Wore Masks
- "Where that research should be done, that's a good debate to have, but it's probably kind of the debate we need to have right now."
Regeneron CEO: Our Drug Is Not Manufactured Using Fetal Cells
- "While left-leaning media and pundits claim that evidence and science guide their decisions, the Great Barrington Declaration proves their ignorance and dishonesty."
After the Great Barrington Declaration, No One Can Honestly Say "Science" Demands Lockdowns
- "A new analysis of Gallup data out last week shows a stark partisan contrast in how the public perceives the [Chinese] coronavirus threat to their personal health."
Gallup Poll: Republicans Dramatically Less Terrified of Chinese Coronavirus Than Democrats
- Bob Zimmerman: "With the widespread use of dirty masks, all of which were pathogen bombs on people's faces, the infection rate rose."
Florida Proves (Again) the Stupidity of Mask Mandates
- "The lockdown orthodoxy may have had its 'Walter Cronkite abandons Vietnam' moment when the WHO admitted that the policy as implemented may be doing more net harm than good."
Rebellion: The Urge to Escape Confinement Is Like a Virus. And It's Contagious
- "Dana Thompson, a former Legislative Director and Chief Counsel to Rep. Maxine Waters, registered as a lobbyist on behalf a host of Chinese Communist Party-linked entities."
Top Maxine "Mikvah" Waters Staffer Lobbied For Chinese Communist Party Military
- "The anchor was also arrested at work later that day for punching the station manager boss, who she was also romantically involved with, the Anchorage Daily News reported, citing court documents." (anchors and wankers aweigh in Anchorage - jjs)
Anchorage, AK Mayor Admits to Relationship with News Anchor After Bizarre Allegations
- "Mike Siegel campaigns to end 'over-policing,' enact Green New Deal."
Texas Dem Signed Letter Defending Bill Ayers
- "Protests from New York City's Orthodox population have followed [Angel-of-Death] Cuomo's order."
5 Religious Groups Reportedly Fined For New York City Gatherings
- "While Jewish voters overwhelmingly lean Democrat, the party's recent embrace of anti-Israel causes and activists could make the critical voting bloc think twice."
Harris' Ties to Leading Anti-Israel Group Draw Scrutiny
- "Reports of unofficial ballot drop boxes emerged last week after a regional field director for the California Republican Party allegedly shared a post on Twitter encouraging people to message him for "convenient locations" to drop their ballots at."
California Officials Investigating Unofficial Drop Boxes Found Across State
- "Courts are interfering in voter laws throughout the states. The bottom line is that state legislatures have the responsibility and the right to defend their constitutional authority."
Judicial Election Interference Threatens Constitutional Crisis
- "The chants got louder every time Biden mentioned Trump."
Trump Supporters Chant "Four More Years" During Biden Event
- "Between how he looks and what he says, Biden is aging faster than seems humanly possible."
Joe Biden Continues to Age at Warp Speed on the Campaign Trail
- "Now imagine Andrew Cuomo as attorney general of the United States with an expanded Supreme Court filled by a Biden administration. The damage to fundamental freedoms would be immense, and the power of the Executive and Judicial branches would be trained on Democrats' political opposition."
Angel-of-Death Cuomo for Attorney General Could Be the Most Terrifying Part of a Biden Presidency
- Joel Pollak: " includes several candidates who would each pose an immediate danger to Americans' basic liberties."
Joe Biden's Disastrous Short List for Attorney General: Cuomo, Yates, Abrams, Bharara, Weissman
- "Some concrete examples of what a radically leftist packed Supreme Court could do. It's not pretty."
Court-Packing Is More of a Monstrosity than You Think
- "Laura is a courageous fighter for regular people, NOT a career politician, and she always stands up for American values and principles."
General Flynn Endorses Laura Loomer For Congress
- "There are two kinds of Democrats here: blue-collar Democrats and the sort-of intellectual elite Democrats who obviously didn't represent the blue-collar Democrats."
From Dairy Country to Green Bay, Trump Radically Changed Wisconsin Politics. Can He Do it Again?
- "Sick and tired of Republicans who co-opt faith as an excuse to advance bigotry and barbarism." (irksome, tedious, tiresome and vile; but this retard is probably going to be with us for a long time - jjs)
Donkey-Chompers AOC: It's a "Fact" That 'Many' GOP Lawmakers Would Attack Jesus If He Came to Congress -- Nearly All GOP Lawmakers Are Christians
- "Black and Latinos Americans do not support the Marxist, anti-police rhetoric that has become fashionable in the media," Owens tweeted on Saturday. "Today, thousands of us have descended upon Washington D.C. to [back the blue]. Minorities do not belong to the Left."
"Beautiful Moment the Mainstream Media Won't Report On": Candace Owens' BLEXIT Event Ends With National Anthem Singing
- "Republicans, please hire some people to teach you how to seize the race issue, not run from it. The Democrat position is flimsy; it's rhetorical, not empirical."
The Republican Retreat on Race
- "Unyielding, collective, and persistent loyalty to vote for the same party without rationally reexamining the party's true commitment to its original intent is unwise."
Black Votes Matter
- "Iowa GOP senator barnstorms Iowa as a 'firewall' to Democratic control in D.C.
Ernst Preaches Law and Order from Harley
- Salena Zito: "People feel left out. People feel as though all of these entities are picking winners and losers. Our elections reflect that chaos, and as a result, people feel whiplash."
No Matter Who Wins, There Is No Exit From the Roller Coaster Anytime Soon
- "The polls show him behind Biden, but the public believes the president will prevail in the end."
Most Americans Still Believe Trump Will Win
- Conrad Black: "Improbable as it often seems, and whatever his failings, in this election Donald Trump is the candidate of honesty, competence, and legality."
Trump Is the Integrity Candidate
- "Teigen and others helped defend the embassy, in defiance of a stand-down order, fending off attacks by radical Islamist terrorists while embassy staff were evacuated. The fact that no U.S. troops were sent to relieve the embassy became one of the stand-out scandals of the Obama administration."
Facebook Censors Benghazi Veteran John "Tig" Tiegen After Denver Rally
- Jeff Greenfield, a Politico Magazine columnist and political analyst who has appeared on ABC, CNN, CBS, and PBS, questioned the network's decision. "CNN is not carrying the Barrett hearings... have they said why not?" he asked.
XiNN Cuts Away From Live SCOTUS Hearings, Only Network Not Airing Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings
- R.S. McCain: "Fear of a 2016 repeat inspires anti-Trump hysteria."
Why Is the Media Madness Intensifying?
- "The media likes to say there isn't any evidence of 'widespread' voter fraud, but they are playing a Bill Clinton-style trick with language."
New York Times Deliberately Fraudulent Regarding Voter Fraud
- "McDaniel said that Biden has been a D.C. politician for 47 years, yet he 'isn't getting tough questions from the media.'"
RNC Chair: Biden Is Running on the Biggest Power Grab in History, and You Guys Want to Talk About Fundraising Protocols?
- "A classic Philadelphia leftist newsweekly shocks the city by moving rightward."
Alternative Journalism, Indeed
- "Following a year of consultation with external experts, we recently banned anti-Semitic stereotypes about the collective power of Jews that often depicts them running the world or its major institutions." (well, there goes a big chunk of the DNC platform - jjs)
Facebook Bans Holocaust Denial to Fight "Alarming Level of Ignorance"
- When he and Jane Fonda were shoulder to shoulder and backs to the wall...
Da Nang Dick Blumenthal: Amy Coney Barrett Will End "Common Sense" Gun Control
- "When 'Pro-Choice' really means 'Pro-Revolution.'"
The Marxist Roots of Abortion
- "At your judgment before G-d, how will you explain changing your position about abortion and how will you explain promoting no limits and allowing all protections removed protecting the most innocent?"
Catholic Bishop Rebukes Biden Over Abortion, Urges Him To Anticipate Divine Judgment
- "India and China have been engaged in an ongoing border conflict along their western Himalayan boundary since June 15, when their respective border regiments clashed in the Galwan Valley of India's northern Ladakh territory."
Pompeo Says China Has Deployed 60,000 Soldiers to Border with India
- "Our people have placed trust, as high as the sky and as deep as the sea, in me, but I have failed to always live up to it satisfactorily."
Kim Jong Un Actually Cried and Apologized to His People in Party Anniversary Speech
- " In the case of the Columbia River Treaty, the United States gave up far too much to Canada for a treaty that is outdated and discriminates against Americans who are in the Pacific Northwest."
Time for Trump to Renegotiate: The Columbia River Treaty Is Yet Another Bad Deal for Americans
- "Mob of Palestinians stormed the building and tortured the soldiers to death, mutilating and defiling their bodies beyond recognition."
Remembering the Ramallah Lynching, 20 Years Later
- "Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheik's been on death row [in Pakistan] since 2002 for orchestrating the kidnapping and beheading of Pearl. But a local court this year ruled he's only guilty of the lesser charge of kidnapping and re-sentenced him to seven years, which would spring him now."
Danny Pearl's Killer Won't Walk -- Yet, Anyway
- From the government and here to help...
Gov't Agency Denies Religious Couple Right To Foster-Raise Their Great-Granddaughter Because Of Views On Sexuality. Judge Rules In Great-Grandparents' Favor.
- "Some voices on the left argue that the Democrat leaders in California, including Kamala Harris, failed to hold utilities accountable as they spread vast sums of money in political-pay-to-play schemes around the state."
Consumer Watchdogs Say Kamala Harris Looked the Other Way While Utilities Set Stage For Wildfires
- "ACB won't doom ACA, conservative commentators argue."
While Democrats Argue Barrett Will Kill Obamacare, Legal Experts Are Skeptical
- "The intrusion of critical race theory into medicine and public health threatens the well-being of all Americans -- especially nonwhites."
Fighting Racism Instead of Disease
- "District judge Allen Winsor ruled that while the university had chilled Denton's speech, it was under no obligation to reinstate him."
Court Declines to Reinstate Student President Removed From Post for Catholic Beliefs
- "It is astounding that, without even trying, the ancients understood climate change so much better than we do today."
Homer Understood Climate Change
- Our intrepid science reporter on the commercialization of space. Literally.
NASA Charging Estee Lauder $17,500 Per Hour for Filming its Perfume on ISS
- "Especially given the amount of federal taxpayer dollars at work, the American people deserve accuracy and impartial non-bias from Smithsonian museums."
Leftist Propaganda Resurfaces in Smithsonian's Inaccurate "American History" Display on Feminism
- "I personally put a priority on domestic issues. I'm against human rights violations around the world."
Mark Cuban Defends Doing Business With China Despite Ethnic Cleansing Of Uighurs During Heated Megyn Kelly Interview
- "While El-Sayed was upset an Egyptian actress was not cast to play Cleopatra, others were seemingly more fixated on Gadot being Israeli and having proudly served two mandatory years in the Israeli army."
Leftists Slam Gal Gadot Casting As Cleopatra: "Very Bland Looking" Israeli
- Christian Toto: "The streaming executive defends Cuties while denying Cancel Culture's wrath."
Netflix CEO Clueless About Own Company's Censorship
- "How legitimacy, authority, and rule of law get overthrown."
America Reaps What the Left Has Sown
- "Christians intent on keeping the faith must be fully aware of the many problems with liberation theology and the harm it will have on their walk with Jesus."
5 Major Reasons Liberation Theology Is Terrible Theology
- "Why Americans have stopped learning about courage."
The Year of Fear
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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